Store the new generated polynomial

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13188189

Design, implement and test an object-oriented Java program for processing single-variable polynomials represented as lists. Consider polynomials with integer coefficients and positive integer exponents. Implement the operations of addition and subtraction of two polynomials.Read the polynomials from an input file. A polynomial is represented in the input file by its name, the equal sign, and a set of pairs of integers, each pair consisting of the exponent and its corresponding coefficient. For example, `P1 = 3 5 1 -4 0 8` represents the polynomial (in human readable form) `5X^3 -4X + 8`. After reading all polynomials, they will be displayed on the console in human readable form. A polynomial will always be written from the highest exponent to the lowest. A term having coefficient value zero will be omitted.The operations on polynomials will be entered by the user from the console. The user will be required to enter the two polynomial operands and the operator.

After executing the required operation:

(i) the program should store the new generated polynomial (to be further used in other operations),

(ii) the result will be shown at the console in human readable form and (iii) the user will be allowed to specify another operation or to exit the program.

Reference no: EM13188189

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