Store the grades that you read in an arraylist

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13698822

Question: We expect the file to contain grades represented by integer values, one per line. If you encounter a value that is not an integer, you should throw an exception, print a message to the console, skip that value, and continue processing. Store the grades that you read in an ArrayList so that all the grades are available for retrieval.

You should also have, as a minimum:

  • A constructor with just one parameter, the file name
  • Mutator
  • Accessor
  • toString().
  • Method that return the highest grade
  • Methods that return the grade average
  • Method that return the lowest grade
  • Method that return all the grades as an array of letter grades.

Test your class with a client class.

Reference no: EM13698822

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