Reference no: EM131065057
A vehicle registration system is developed using C program by implementing the Queue functionality. This registration process is done at Royal Oman Police (ROP). Both private and commercial vehicles in Oman must be registered with an owner be it an individual or an organisation.
A new registration form is filled in by the applicant or their representative. Once the applicant submits the form they will allotted a token ID. All registered vehicles display a vehicle registration plate and c.vry a vehicle registration certificate. The purpose of vehicle registrations is to establish clear ownership and to tax motorist or vehicle owners.
Public and private sectors. Omani nationals and expatriates are free to own a vehicle in Oman with the exception of vehicles to be registered as a taxi. The document submission is different for the expatriates. This system is developed to maintain the applicant record in memory so that applicant information can be retrieved. Queue is implemented to maintain the applicant queue.
You are required to code and test a C language program to store and display information about all applicants in a text file. When the applicant enters the Vehicle Registration system after submitting the token number and he/she should be in queue to register the vehicle.
The application program is to be a main menu consisting of sub-categories:
1. Applicant Registration Details
2. Applicant Queue
3. Search Applicant
4. Exit
The system should prompt the user to choose a sub-category from the main menu. Each sub-category contains the following items:
1. Applicant Registration Details which contains the following items:
a. Add details of an Applicant: this function allows data entry to add detailed information of applicant to the system and stores it in the applicant text file. This information is:
- Applicant Name
- Civil ID
- Address
- Contact Number
- Vehicle Type
- Date of Vehicle Purchase
- Description
b. Search specific applicant information from the applicant text file by using the civil ID
e. Display information of the applicant in the text file
d. Exit: To return back to the main menu.
2. Application Queue which based on array of integers and contains the following items:
a. Push:
- The applicant enters the new registration queue.
- Applicants will be placed one after another in a queue.
- The token ID should be an integer.
b. Display
- Display the total number of the token ID in the queue.
c. Pop
- The Applicant registered will be removed from the queue.
- To return back to the main menu.
3. Search Applicant
By using the applicant Civil ID, all applicant details need to be displayed.
To end the program