Storage of an unordered collection of items

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13161272

Storage of an unordered collection of items that facilitates efficient, random access of items based on an item's position in the collection.





Binary tree

Binary search tree

Linked List



Priority Queue


Reference no: EM13161272

Questions Cloud

Principle ofsuperposition to determine that system is linear : Apply the principle of superposition to determine whether the following systems are linear. Sketch what the plot of the function looks like.
Criminal justice system-media : Is the media in the United States an ally or an enemy to the criminal justice system? Support your response with practical examples from the media.
The manager of a football stadium : The manager of a football stadium wants you to write a program that calculates the total ticket sales after each game. There are four types of tickets-box, sideline, premium and general admission. The data is stored in a file, tickets.txt, in the fol..
Consists of an employee''s last name : Each input line consists of an employee's last name, first name, current base salary, total sales and percent commission. For example, in the first input line, the last name of the employee is Thomas, the first name is Andrew, the current base salary..
Storage of an unordered collection of items : Storage of an unordered collection of items that facilitates efficient, random access of items based on an item's position in the collection.
District dominated by racial minorities determines : A school board in a district dominated by racial minorities determines that students learn better when taught in a gender-segregated environment. The board then chooses schools within its district designated to serve only boys and others only girls.
Takes a string containing a full name : Write a program that takes a string containing a full name and outputs each part of the name separately with its length. The name should be in the form of first, middle, and last name, separated from each other by a single space. For example, if the ..
An iterative algorithm to traverse an arbitrary number : An iterative algorithm to traverse an arbitrary number of nested subdirectories in a file system.
Creating a hashing function : Suppose you are creating a hashing function to use for storing string data in hashtable. One Candidate hasing function would be to sum the ASCII or Unicode values for each character, and that result as the hashcode.


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Assuming that the initial values of the cache tags and the cache lines are completely arbitrary, Also, show how the cache tags will change for each of the above steps. You should justify your answer.

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For each of these sublists, the median is found. Further, the median of these medians is found and returned as the pivot. Perform the analysis and prove the new bounds.

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