Stock on the major exchanges and invests

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Reference no: EM133148377

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A security that sells like a stock on the major exchanges and invests in real estate directly, either through properties or mortgages.

  1. Treasury bonds
  2. Corporate bonds
  3. Hedge funds
  4. Real estate investment trusts

The power to adopt the Code of Ethics and Responsibilities, under the RESA shall be under the 

  1. Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service
  2. Professional Regulation Commission
  3. Accredited and Integrated Professional Organization
  4. Professional Regulatory Commission

A privilege given to a member of cooperative, corporation, partnership, or any association and/or the issuance of certificate or receipt evidencing a right of participation, or rights to any land or property.

  1. Deemed Sale        
  2. Sales Receipt
  3. Sales Contract      
  4. Certificate of Ownership

It refers to a firm, whether a corporation, partnership, cooperative or association or a single proprietorship.

  1. Enterprise              
  2. Business Firm
  3. Extrajudicial person            
  4. Juridical Person

A new mortgage that has one or more properties as security to the amount of loan, and the total amount of the loan is a combination of the new loan and one or more existing loans.

  1. Blanket mortgage
  2. Closed mortgage
  3. Wrap around mortgage
  4. Open mortgage

It is the kind of cycle that are recurrent expansions and constructions in property, business and economic activity.

  1. Economic Cycle  
  2. Real Estate Cycle
  3. Business Cycle     
  4. Investment Cycle

It means a cycle of prosperity recession, depression and recovery.

  1. Long-term Real Estate Cycle           
  2. c. Property Business Cycle
  3. Economic Real Estate Cycle           
  4. Real Estate Cycle

It is a situation which supply exceeds demand, giving purchasers an advantage over sellers in price negotiations.

  1. Bargain market    
  2. Supplier's market
  3. Seller's market      
  4. Buyer's market

A situation in which demand exceeds supply and owners has an advantage over buyers in price negotiations.

  1. Perfect market     
  2. Supplier's market
  3. Seller's market      
  4. Buyer's market

When there are many sellers and buyers competing against each other for the available goods and services, the price would settle at the lowest possible price, provided that the goods are similar enough. What do you call this situation?

  1. Buyer's Market    
  2. Perfect Market
  3. Seller's Market      
  4. Competitive Market

In case of "Approval of Preliminary Plans", the Architectural plan shows the following except:

  1. Topographic Plans               
  2. Ground and Floor Plans
  3. Site Development Plans     
  4. Sections and elevations

Planning and Development, consideration for a condominium project, covers the following except;

  1. Site preservation/alteration               
  2. Geo-Hazard Tests
  3. Design parameters               
  4. Surveying and Land Area planning

To improve the reliability of information about comparable sales, you may want to consider, as an additional step:

  1. Having a partner or assistant go over your work
  2. Applying the statistical technique called sampling
  3. Checking your data through another source
  4. All of the above

A rent multiplier is an economic unit of comparison because:

  1. It measures the square meter of the rental property
  2. It compares the present income of the property against the past income of the property as a percentage
  3. It relates to the income of the property
  4. All of the above

The development of strategically located property for office, retail, and financial activities is known as

  1. Commercial development 
  2. Mix use commercial development
  3. Commercial Condominium development      
  4. Retail and Office mix use development

A __________ is devoted for agricultural purposes or the raising of domestic animals for business use and consumption.

  1. Agricultural Land               
  2. Gentlemen Farm
  3. Agri-Business      
  4. Agri-Farm Property

A __________ is devoted to edifies or houses in which businesses directed primarily for profit is transacted or undertaken.

  1. Property development 
  2. Office space and Retail Development
  3. Condominium Development            
  4. Mix use development

All real estate service practitioners are automatically members of the single accredited professional organization known as:

  1. Integrated Professional Association 
  2. Accredited and Integrated Professional Organization
  3. Accredited and Integrated Professional Association 
  4. Accredited Professional Organization

The ___________ is a provision of the authority to sell that entitles the broker to the commission even if the sale is consummated after the expiration of his authority.

  1. Exclusive Right to Sell        
  2. Hold-over Clause
  3. Exclusive Agency Contract               
  4. Opening Listing

The _____________ is a document issued by the DENR certifying that based on the proposed project or undertaking will not cause any significant negative impact.

  1. Environmental clearance   
  2. Environmental Compliance              Certificate
  3. Environmental Compliance Clearance           
  4. Environmental Certificate

It is one of the biggest influences on property value since it can have added ventilation, parking, access and showroom.

  1. Multiple stories     
  2. Topographical Influence
  3. Corner influence  
  4. Location

It is an estimate or opinion of the market value of a property done for private use.

  1. Assessment           
  2. Costing
  3. Appraisal               
  4. Valuation

It is a price at which a willing buyer would buy, neither being under abnormal pressure or circumstance.

  1. Selling price           
  2. Fair Market Value
  3. Asking Price          
  4. Market Value

Ecological succession is a fundamental concept in ecology, which refers to orderly changes in the composition of structure in

  1. Planned community           
  2. Orderly community
  3. Ecological community       
  4. Sustainable community

It is an Act enacted in order to curb illegal and other forms of forest destruction

  1. Cut Saw Act of 2002          
  2. Log Saw Act of 2002
  3. Blade Saw Act of 2002      
  4. Chain Saw act of 2002

In ecology it is an assemblage of population of different specie interacting with one another

  1. Ecosystem            
  2. Building
  3. Community          
  4. Inhabitant

Indigenous people like the Aeta of Zambales and Tarlac, Dumagat and Remontado of Aurora are found in:

  1. CAR       
  2. Region 2
  3. Region 1                
  4. Region 3

A part of science that involve the inter-disciplinary study of the inter-active processes which takes place between the organisms and the environment and or the inter-connections or mutual relations between living things including humans and their environment is called:

  1. Ecology 
  2. Economy
  3. Ecologist                
  4. Economist

It is a certification issued by the Environment Management Bureau (EMB) certifying that, based on the submitted project description, the project is not covered by the EIS system and is not required to secure an ECC.

  1. Environmental Compliance Certificate 
  2. Environment Impact          Statement
  3. Certificate of Non-Coverage
  4. Initial Environmental Exam Report

What does PRBRES stand for?

  1. Philippine Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service
  2. Professional Regulations Board of Real Estate Service
  3. Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service
  4. Philippine Registration Board of Real Estate Service

The word "Commission" in RA 9646 stands for?

  1. Professional Fee   
  2. Real Estate Board
  3. Broker's Commission          
  4. Professional Regulation Commission

Refers to a duly registered and licensed natural person who, for a professional fee, commission or other valuable consideration, acts as an agent of a party in a real estate transaction to offer, advertise, solicit, list, promote, mediate, negotiate of effect the meeting of the minds on the sale, purchase, exchange, mortgage, lease or joint venture, or other similar transactions on real estate or any interest therein.

  1. Assessor 
  2. Appraiser
  3. Consultant            
  4. Broker

Refers to an official in the local government unit who performs appraisal and assessment of real properties, including plants, equipment, and machineries, essentially for taxation purposes.

  1. Assessor 
  2. Appraiser
  3. Consultant            
  4. Broker

The PRBRES on cooperation with the CHED or the concerned Colleges and Universities will undertake the evaluation of the following in the offering of the course of BSREM, except:

  1. Curriculum of the school offering BSREM
  2. Facilities of the school offering BSREM
  3. Screening in the Recruitment of faculty members
  4. All of the above

A detailed guide on the procedure to be observed by the parties concerned in the Environmental Impact Statement System. It shall include among others, guidelines on public participation and social acceptability, the EIS / IEE review criteria in accordance with section 4 of PD 1596. 3.4

  1. Environmental Impact Assessment
  2. Environmental Monitoring Manual
  3. Environmental Impact Statement Procedure Manual
  4. Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures

Green building programs are emerging to encourage builders and developers to incorporate sustainable building practices, system, and materials into their building projects. In the Philippines, there is already few building ongoing construction that complied to these standards and had certification from this US Council known as certified

  1. LEED     
  2. LLDD
  3. LEAD     
  4. LEDD

The sole regulatory arm on land development and housing pursuant to Executive Order No. 648 as amended by Executive Order No. 90 which implements Land Use, Planning Development and Zoning Policies.

  1. HLURB 
  2. NHA
  3. HDMF   
  4. HGC

Good architectural design consists, in part, of:

  1. A unique floor plan
  2. Functional utility
  3. Using expensive materials
  4. All of the above

Converting an estimate of income into an estimate of value by use of rate

  1. Discount rate
  2. Value estimate
  3. Capitalization
  4. Income estimate

A yield rate used to convert future payments or receipts to present value.

  1. Discount rate
  2. Capitalization rate
  3. Over all rate
  4. Split rate

It is a land predominantly covered with dipterocap, pine mangrove or industrial trees used either for timber production, water and soil conservation and wild life refuge.

  1. Settlements           
  2. Forest
  3. Mineral  
  4. In land Fisheries

Plan showing various elevations of the property.

  1. Subdivision Plan  
  2. Business Plan
  3. Topographic Plan                
  4. House Plan

The priority right of a tenant to buy the land allocated in an urban land reform area is known as:

  1. Tenant's possessory right
  2. Tenant's retention right
  3. Tenant's incremental right
  4. Tenant's right of first refusal

It refer to lands of the public domain which have been released and proclaimed as such by the

President from the mass of unclassified public lands, or reclassified as such from other forms of classification through an Act of Congress.

  1. Alienable and Disposable (A and D) lands 
  2. Ancestral Land (AL)
  3. Ancestral Domain (AD)      
  4. Disposable Ancestral Land (DAL)

It refers to all areas generally belonging to ICCs/IPs comprising lands, inland waters, coastal areas and natural resources therein, held under a claim of ownership, occupied or proposed by ICCs/IPs by themselves or through their ancestors, communally or individually since time immemorial.

  1. Alienable and Disposable (A and D) lands 
  2. Ancestral Land (AL)
  3. Ancestral Domain (AD)      
  4. Disposable Ancestral Land (DAL)

The proof of ownership of lands awarded to an agrarian reform beneficiary under RA No 6657, as amended, which contains the restrictions and conditions for such ownership and must be registered in the Register of Deeds is the

  1. Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA)
  2. Certificate of Land Ownership Accreditation (CLOA)
  3. Comprehensive Land Ownership Award (CLOA) 
  4. Deed of Restrictions on Land Award (DRLA)

The proof of ownership of lands awarded to an agrarian reform beneficiary under PD No 27 (Operation Land Transfer) or Executive Order No 228 which contains the restrictions and conditions for such ownership and must be registered in the Register of Deeds is 

  1. Emancipation Patent (EP)
  2. Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA)
  3. Certificate of Land Receipt
  4. Certificate of Land Ownership Accreditation (CLOA)

___________is synonymous with public use, public interest and public benefit. It is the general concept of meeting public need or public exigency.

  1. Common and Public Welfare and Services
  2. Public Domain and Welfare
  3. Public Resource Allocation
  4. Public Benefit Domain

The compensation of the broker depends on the overpriced obtained by the buyer. An agreement by which the broker may retain as compensation to his services all sums paid over and above the net price to the owner is known as:

  1. Multiple listing      
  2. Exclusive listing
  3. Net listing              
  4. Open listing

The position of trust assumed by the broker as an agent for the principal is described as:

  1. Trusteeship           
  2. Confidential
  3. Fiduciary relation 
  4. Code of conduct

This is a cooperative arrangement among real estate brokers whereby properties for sale is circularized to others.

  1. Multiple Listing    
  2. Exclusive Listing
  3. Net Listing             
  4. Open Listing

The following is a contract or agreement between a seller and a buyer, except -

  1. Option contract
  2. Contract to sell
  3. Sales agency
  4. Reservation agreement

In project selling, the payment of the broker's commission will most likely be -

  1. Paid in advance by the developer
  2. Paid in full after receipt of reservation money
  3. Paid in full after receipt of down payment
  4. Paid progressively depending on the developer

It is a kind of listing wherein only one broker is authorized to negotiate

  1. Multiple Listing    
  2. Exclusive Listing
  3. Net Listing             
  4. Open Listing

Refers to a kind of listing wherein two or more brokers are authorized to negotiate the sale

  1. Multiple Listing    
  2. Exclusive Listing
  3. Net Listing             
  4. Open Listing

What is the real estate listing?

  1. A list of brokers and salespersons
  2. A list of property held by an owner
  3. The employment of a broker by an owner to sell or lease
  4. A written list of improvement on land

Which type of appraisal report requires a statement of the rights being appraised?

  1. The letter report
  2. The form report
  3. The narrative report
  4. All of the above

Refers to the use of government budget to influence economic activity.

  1. Fiscal policy
  2. Monetary policy
  3. Political will
  4. Police power

Generally the process by which the central bank, or government controls the supply and availability of money, the cost of money, and the rate of interest.

  1. Fiscal policy
  2. Monetary policy
  3. Budgeting
  4. Economic policy

The two types of real estate appraisals are:

  1. Formal and informal
  2. Informal and intuitive
  3. Structural and formal
  4. None of the above

The criteria used in the selection of building materials include:

  1. Climate
  2. Availability
  3. Durability
  4. All of the above

It is the value of land and/or improvements for ad valorem tax purposes.

  1. Market value
  2. Assessed value
  3. Condemnation value
  4. Liquidation value

Economic principle which states that real property value is created and sustained when the characteristics of a property conform to the demands of its market.

  1. Principle of anticipation
  2. Principle of substitution
  3. Principle of conformity
  4. Principle of contribution

Economic principle which holds that the value of a component is a function of its contribution to the whole rather than as a separate component.

  1. Principle of balance
  2. Principle of substitution
  3. Principle of conformity
  4. Principle of contribution

Economic principle which holds that as capital units are added, a certain point is reached where the added units do not contribute value commensurate with their costs.

  1. Principle of increasing and decreasing returns
  2. Principle of externalities
  3. Principle of supply and demand
  4. Principle of surplus productivity

Economic principle which states that the net income that remains after the costs of various agents of production have been paid.

  1. Principle of increasing and decreasing returns
  2. Principle of externalities
  3. Principle of supply and demand
  4. Principle of surplus productivity

Economic principle which states that when several similar goods or services are available, the one with the lowest price attracts the greatest demand.

  1. Principle of change
  2. Principle of substitution
  3. Principle of conformity
  4. Principle of contribution

Economic principle which states that economies outside a property have positive effects on its value, while diseconomies have a negative effect on value externalities such as the neighbourhood have an effect on value.

  1. Principle of increasing and decreasing returns
  2. Principle of externalities
  3. Principle of supply and demand
  4. Principle of surplus productivity

Economic principle which is the perception that value is created by the expectation of benefits to be derived in the future.

  1. Principle of anticipation
  2. Principle of substitution
  3. Principle of conformity
  4. Principle of contribution

Economic principle holds that value is achieved and maintained when all elements are in proper proportion.

  1. Principle of balance
  2. Principle of substitution
  3. Principle of conformity
  4. Principle of contribution

The essential elements of appraisal reports:

  1. Usually follow the outlines of the appraisal process
  2. Vary according to the type of report
  3. Are dependent upon the requirements of the client
  4. None of the above

The type of appraisal report depends upon the amount of background information and detail required by the client. Which of the following types is the longest and most detailed?

  1. The letter report
  2. The form report
  3. The narrative report
  4. The subdivision report

There are three main subdivisions in the typical narrative appraisal report. Which of the following is not one of these subdivisions?

  1. Introduction
  2. Letter of transmittal
  3. Description, analyses and conclusion
  4. Addenda

The letter report usually:

  1. Contains only a brief description of the subject property
  2. Does not contain the assumptions, limiting conditions, and the appraiser's value certification
  3. Is the most formal written report
  4. Is required by institutions and agencies

In the form report, it is not usually necessary for the appraiser to:

  1. Demonstrate evidence of value through one or more approaches
  2. Describe any physical deterioration or functional inadequacy found in the structure
  3. Rate the neighbourhood employment stability
  4. Write a letter of transmittal to the client

Reference no: EM133148377

Questions Cloud

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Stock on the major exchanges and invests : A security that sells like a stock on the major exchanges and invests in real estate directly, either through properties or mortgages.
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