Stock market performance and hong kong property market

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132336631

A Proposal template is provided below and students are required to use that template.

Proposed Dissertation Title: The relationship between Stock Market Performance and Hong Kong Property Market


Note on Content:
- (max. 200 words)
- A statement of your research question, possibly including a central question and three or four aspects or sub-questions (approx. 30-100 words depending on number of research questions).
- Explain why this question is interesting (approx. 100 words).

The main focus of this research will be to identify the relation between the stock market performance and the residential property price/ office property price in Hong Kong.

Research Question:

1. To what extent does stock market (HSI) performance impact on residential property price in Hong Kong in the period of 2002-2016?

2. To what extent does stock market (HSI) performance impact on residential property price in Hong Kong in the period of 2002-2016 by adding Real Interest Rate and Transaction volume as variables?

3. To what extent does stock market (HSI) performance impact on commercial property (office) price in Hong Kongin the period of 2002-2016?

4. To what extent does stock market (HSI) performance impact on commercial property (office) price in Hong Kong in the period of 2002-2016 by adding Real Interest Rate and Transaction volume as variables?

Relation to previous research (Theoretical Framework)

Note on Content:
- (max. 500 words).
- Discussion of the relation between your proposed research and previous research. When expanded in the dissertation this will be referred to as a Literature Review.

Proposed methods
Note on Content:
- (max. 500 words).
- A precise statement of the methods you propose to use.
- Justify the choices you make. Explain why this method is being used in preference to others.
- Discuss the specifics of the method(s) you will use. Be clear about data sources and what will count as data in your research project.
- (In your methods section you may need to make some reference to other exemplary studies and will certainly need to refer to the literature on research methods.)

The coursework should be typed and be formatted for A4 (portrait). A left-hand margin of 1.25cm to 1.5cm should be used. Line spacing of 2 should be used for typescript, except for indented quotations where single spacing may be used. A font size of 12 is required, and you are encouraged to use a clear font design such as Arial, Times New Roman or Courier New.

Pages must be numbered consecutively throughout the text, with numbers located centrally at the bottom of each page.

Any abbreviations used should be those in normal use. Where necessary a key to abbreviations should be provided.

Type your full name, student registration number, programme title, module title, assignment question, registration expiry date and word count at the start of the coursework.

You must provide your word count immediately below the assignment, as well. The word count includes everything except the references and appendices.Reflections
Note on Content:
• (max. 500 words).

Include reflections on:

o Potential practical and empirical obstacles (e.g. access).
o Conceptual and theoretical problems and difficulties.
o Ethics (both in the narrow and the broader senses).
o Your position as a researcher in a political field, and reflection on how this will impact on your study.

Verified Expert

In this study, we have discussed about the economic scenario of Hong Kong.We have showcased the impact of the performance of the stock market and real estate prices.VAR model is used to evaluate the result of controlling variables of the scenario.

Reference no: EM132336631

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Stock market performance and hong kong property market : Msc in Finance - Research Methods - what extent does stock market performance impact on residential property price in Hong Kong in the period of 2002-2016
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7/10/2019 9:47:31 PM

proposal for finance master paper - research title?The relation between stock market and propert market in Hong Kong?,to investigate wether the relationship changed after the financial tsunami in 2008. Added real interest rate and turnover as variable. comment by professor on orginal work :literature review not enough,methodology not clear - my paper uses HSI,property price and turnover of private domestic and private office by Rating and Valuation Department, Hong Kong real interest rate by World bank period 2002-2016 literature review mostly use Vector autoregression.

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