Steps add to the check list

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379570

Question1. According to your personal experience, what steps would you add to the check list and determine what steps would you leave out? If you have access to a machine readable version of the check list you selected make the modifications you recommend.

  1. Site preparation
  2. Location
  3. Ergonomic concerns
  4. Power requirements
  5. Telephone and network access
  6. Air conditioning
  7. Lighting
  8. Fire suppression
  9. Site Management documentation
  10. Hardware installation tools
  11. Hardware installation
  12. Operating system and network installation
  13. Applications software installations
  14. Wrap-up tasks

Question2. Select a software package you know well such as Windows 2000 or XP, a Microsoft Office applications, or an Internet browser. Identify one significant (1) concept, (2) point of understanding (explanation), (3) skill, and (4) expertise that a user of the package would be expect to have.


Reference no: EM1379570

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Steps add to the check list : According to your personal experience, what steps would you add to the check list and determine what steps would you leave out?
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Multicast service model in the internet : Those applications that do not need a high level of reliability for operations can use the Minimalist Internet Multicast service model, like streaming of continues information in the forms of audio or video


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