Reference no: EM132266733
TOPIC - Steganography in biometric data
- Theoretically the field of biometrics should be able to provide lots of opportunity for hidden information, for example fingerprints, retina scans, etc., but so far the research has proven to be unsuccessful. The goal of this project would be to do a thorough report on the state of the art of existing steganography applications for biometric data and then determine if there is room for improvement. The deliverables of this project will be a very thorough literature study comparing the various approaches and then make suggestions on possible improvements to the model.
QUESTION: Write a research proposal about this topic.
1. Abstract:
-Brief background to the research (no citations) & problem statement.
-Method(s) to be used.
2. Introduction:
-Introduce the background against which your research will be conducted-Aim is to convince the reader that the research:Is relevant, necessary, and timely, has not been done before.-What to put in the introduction:Start with broad field into which your research falls,Become more specific, Lead into the problem statement, Use references throughout (but it is not the full literature survey) and Layout of rest of proposal.
3. Problem statement
-Describe the problem that your research will address in as much detail as possible.
-Specify and describe your main objectives and sub-objectives.
-Define the scope and limitations of the research.
-State any assumptions that you are aware of.
4. Literature survey
-Overview of research that has been conducted on the problem that you are investigating. -Only use published references. -Work should be directly linked to your work (and you must point out the link). -Want to show how your research relates to and differs from existing research. -NB: Identify the main players in the field. -Want to tell a story -must flow
5. Methodology
-Identify the methods that you plan to use to address your objectives.
-Must tie back to your research objectives. -Should be clear that selected methods are appropriate (explain why alternative methods not proposed).
6. Planning
-Identify and describe the specific phases of your work.
-Provide a schedule of everything that needs to be done all the way up to the submission and presentation date:Tasks that need to be done and the time allocated to them with deadlines.
7. References
-Provide a list of references that you have cited in the proposal