Reference no: EM132407627
STC5002 Research and Data Analytics - Hang Seng University
This module examines the processes for gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. Basic research skills including surveys, experiments and focus group studies will be taught. Students will learn to read public opinion polls and specialized reports, to use social media platforms, and digital analysis tools to understand market research, audience trends, and social conversations.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
a. Have a basic understanding of both quantitative and qualitative research methods
b. Master the skills of quantitative and qualitative research and data analysis
c. Have a basic understanding of big data analytics and awareness of software available for big data analysis
d. Conduct communication research independently and responsibly
Assignment 1
• Using SPSS, produce frequency distributions for Q1 - Q16 in the Fake News Dataset and present the results in summary tables
• Write succinct summaries for the results and interpret the findings
• Do bivariate analyses between variable of Q25, and Q18 - Q22 for the Fake News Dataset, i.e., Q25 x Q18 - Q22(check the measurement scale of the variables)
• What inference can you make out of your analysis? Present the results with the help of tables or graphs
Assignment 2
• Conduct a focus group studyon the topic of "Resolution to China-Hong Kong Conflicts". Invite 6 to 8 people of various occupations to discuss this topic
• Then write up a report and make recommendations to your client on the ways to reduce or solve the conflicts between China and Hong Kong
Quantitative Research Plan Format
• A Research Problem
• Clarification of the Problem
• Review of Existing Knowledge (From previous studies, if any)
• Setting up Hypotheses
• Clarification and Operationalization of Key Concepts
• Method (Samples, Ways to Collect Data, e.g., telephone interview, mailed questionnaire, or web survey)
• Resource Estimate (Feasibility)
• Schedule (Must start to collect data in week 7& finish collecting data in week 10)
You don't need to collect data from a large sample. You may collect the data from only 10 people (can be more if you want). This will save you much time in data collection and data input. You may still do the literature review and data analysis as much as you can. Allowance will be given to the limited statistical analysis due to small sample size.
The individual research project report should still contain:
• A Research Problem & Its Clarification
• Review of Existing Knowledge (From previous studies)
• Hypotheses
• Clarification and Operationalization of Key Concepts
• Method (Samples, Ways to Collect Data, e.g., telephone interview, mailed questionnaire, or web survey)
• Findings and Discussion
• Conclusion
Both individual and group research project will be assessed with same criteria:
• Adequacy of data analyses, using tables and figures in quantitative research
• Interpretation of analyses and your own insights based on research results
• Adequacy of professional presentation, including writing and graphical presentation of data
Attachment:- Module Outline.rar
Prepare a schedule for each speaker for national conferece
: Prepare a schedule for each speaker for the national conference being hosted next year on your campus. She wants to mail the schedules to the speakers.
Determine whether anti-virus software is in use
: Determine whether anti-virus software is in use. Provide a detailed analysis of the resources and/or tools available, beyond the simple explanation in score.
Identify strategy, risks that may apply like strategic
: Identify strategy, risks that may apply like strategic , financial compliance and operational.
Differences between sdlc and the security life cycle
: In 175 words or more, discuss the differences between the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and the security life cycle. Include in your discussion.
STC5002 Research and Data Analytics Assignment
: STC5002 Research and Data Analytics Assignment Help and Solution, Hang Seng University - Assessment Writing Service - Arrangement for Fulfillment of Requirement
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Describe the factors that determine the tone at the top
: How would you describe the factors that determine the tone at the top? Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article.
Significant impact on digital forensics
: Describe the plain view doctrine, and why it has such a significant impact on digital forensics?
Explain the role of intuition in decision making
: Explain the role of intuition in decision making. DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates.