Statute of limitations apply

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13814240

Mary is a model employee and works as a supervisor for a construction company. She has been an employee for more than 15 years. Mary is the only female supervisor and one of only a handful of women in a very male dominated company. Her male peers have been there on average five years less and have been promoted much faster than Mary. She is the only one with an advanced degree. Mary likes her job and does not have any complaints about how she is treated.

One day after a particularly long hard day at work, Mary and some of her peers decide to go out to dinner. At dinner, a couple of her male co-workers start discussing salary and talking about other job offers with more money. Mary realized that that all of her male counterparts were currently making at least $5,000 more a year than her. After talking with the other supervisors, she determined that she has been making less, with no immediately discernible reason, for at least the last five years.

Can Mary bring a claim for gender discrimination? Does the statute of limitations apply? Create a scenario for both before and after the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. court decision, and its responsive legislation, The Fair Pay Act of 2009.

Your response should be at least two pages (double spaced) in length. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Reference no: EM13814240

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