Status markers-indicators and period vs cohort effects

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Reference no: EM13180821

Can I have some explanations about these terms:

1.Status markers/indicators 2. Write of passage/rite of confirmation 3.elements of culture 4.deviant vs criminal Acts viz. the types of the sanctions applied 5.period vs cohort effects 6.scapegoating 7.moral panic 8. swatting 9.the hidden curriculum viz. gate keeping 10.longitudinal vs. cross-sectional 11.self-fulfilling prophecy effects 12.primary vs. secondary deviance viz. Labeling Theory (Becker)13.characteristics of groups, such as members interact, boundaries emerge, leadership functions14.reference vs. membership groups (viz.anticipatory socialization)15.boomerang kids 16.meritrocracy 17.human capital model 18.types of social structures:statuses,roles,groups, and social institutions 18.reliability and validity 19. panel vs. case studies 20.flash mobs 21.The Big Test.

Reference no: EM13180821

Questions Cloud

Non-unionized environments : Explain why cooperative approaches may stand up to legal review more easily in unionized plants than in non-unionized environments?
Critical narrative of health and human services : Create a PowerPoint presentation containing critical narrative of health and human services accompanied with tables, graphs, or other visuals. The PowerPoint presentation must contain a minimum of 10 slides (not including title and reference slides).
An extraneous variable in the hawthorne studies was : An extraneous variable in the Hawthorne studies was?
Experiment investigating the effects of alcohol consumption : In an experiment investigating the effects of alcohol consumption on the ability to operate a punch press machine?
Status markers-indicators and period vs cohort effects : 1.Status markers/indicators 2. rite of passage/rite of confirmation 3.elements of culture 4.deviant vs criminal Acts viz. the types of the sanctions applied 5.period vs cohort effects 6.scapegoating 7.moral panic
Test effectiveness of new training program for sales skills : To test the effectiveness of a new training program for sales skills, a randomly selected group of salespeople receives training and another randomly selected group receives no training. The independent variable consists of?
The monarchs of the middle ages : Some historians have argued that the monarchs of the Middle Ages in Western Europe enjoyed more success than the church or past emperors. Do you agree or disagree?
Untie our hands : The quote "Untie our hands, give us independence and we would beg to be back under discipline" is from the famous Grand Inquisitor section of Dostoyevsky's The Brother's Karamazov. What does this say about the role of reason?
Human beings are fundamentally rational : What evidence is present for asserting that human beings are fundamentally rational? Note similarities and/or distinctions between Plato, Aristotle, Smith, and/or Doyle in your response.


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