Reference no: EM131089730
Statistical Terminology and Health Care Data 21
9. True or Fake.
a. Statistics is a numerical fact.
b. Descriptive statistics analyzes a specific group.
c. Decisions made on the basis of scientific methods are pure guesses.
d. Information is data organized and processed to be useful.
e. The name of each participant in a study is called an element.
f. Interval data have intervals starting at zero.
g. Ratio data have units of unequal size.
h. Ungrouped data is raw data.
i. A population in which every fifth person is selected is a representative sample.
j. Time-series data contain information for the same period of time.
k. Indexes serve as a secondary source of data. NCHS is the repository of vital statistics.
m. The CDC is an agency of DHHS.
10. Identify the following abbreviations:
a. NB
b. ICU
c. LOS
d. A&D
e. CDC f. A&C
h. IP
11. Five cities in Central Township reported dog bites in the past year:
Sandpoint, 51 bites Hillcrest, 19 bites Chandler, 44 bites
Plainview, 37 bites Bayview, 7 bites
a. What is the variable in the data set?
b. How many elements are in the data set?
c What is the total. number of bites (observations) reported in Central Township?
d. Are these qualitative or quantitative variables?
e. Are the data discrete, continuous, or neither?
f. Are the data cross-sectional or time-series?
12. Fifty students completed a medical terminology course at State University. The final exam scores are listed below.
93 75 98 74 77 54 78 57 72 99
86 63 72 77 70 44 66 73 48 82
84 50 66 81 68 95 90 91 60 72
71 88 44 38 92 67 75 82 81 66
70 90 55 97 72 74 84 55 49 100
a. Rank the individual scores from best to worst.
b. List each individual score only once. Indicate the number of individuals receiving each individual score.
c. Using the grouping below, indicate after each interval, the number of scores that fall within the interval.
98-100 82-85 66-69 50-53
94-97 78-81 62-65 46-49
90-93 74-77 58-61 42-45
86-89 70-73 54-57 38-41
42 Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis
Name Date
1. A questionnaire was given to all patients discharged from a rehabilitation facility. The respondents were asked to rate the care or service they received. The choices included excellent (E), good (G), fair (F), and poor (P). A total of
75 responses were tabulated as follows:
Construct a qualitative frequency distribution and include a frequency column, relative frequency column, and frequency percentage column.
2. Determine the approximate number of classes resulting if:
a. A class interval size of 5 is used for a range of 20 to 854:::Z.,
b. A class interval size of 3 is used for a range of 8 to 50. „.•
c. A class interval size of T is used for a range of 43 to 113.
d. A class interval size of 2 is used for a range of 131 to 160.
3. Indicate the class boundaries for a class limit of:
a. 1 to 5 r3E;
b. 70.5 to 80.5 ICI (
c. 6.75 to 7.25 0. I 7;-
4. The number of laboratory tests carried out on 48 patients during their hospital stay (discharged last week) included:
17 2 15 22 31 11 18 5 7 17 3 16 1 12 9 4 6 44 7 18 4 10 14
12 8 13 3 3 8 11 25 29 9 21 36 2 5 6 17 8 3 9 13 9 6 5 9 14
a. Construct a frequency distribution with the lower score limits of 0-2. Include both a frequency and cumulative frequency column.
b. What was the average number of tests performed on the 48 patients?
5. A total of 320 patients were treated at a clinic in the past year for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Excluding 32 cases that resulted from congenital transmission or sexual abuse, construct the limits for a frequency distribution of the remaining cases (288), if the oldest patient was 88 and the youngest 12 years of age.
6. Blood glucose levels were recorded for all males over the age of 40, admitted with a diagnosis of coronary artery disease (a total of 755 diagnosed cases). The lowest blood glucose. Level recorded was 58 and the highest, 442. Using a class interval size of 25, set the score Limits for each interval.
7. The age of all patients diagnosed with cancer during the past year (255 new cases) was recorded. The youngest patient was 3 years old and the oldest was 92.
a. Construct score Limits for each class interval, using an interval size of seven years and a tower limit of 2 for the lowest interval.
b. Determine the number of class intervals.
8. A blood sample was drawn from 50 smokers between the ages of 45 and 65 and the serum cholesterol Level recorded. The values are as follows:
291 285 273 270 268 260 260 256 254 252 251 248 247 243 241
240 240 239 238 238 238 235 234 233 233 231 230 229 227 227
226 223 222 221 221 219 217 214 212 209 207 205 199 198 188
185 179 177 165 158
84 Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis
20. The annual budget includes:
Office supplies and postage $ 2,800
Outsourced staffing $15,350
Travel and conference fees $ 3,660
Maintenance contracts $ 1,990
Determine the percentage of the total cost budgeted for each expense.
21. During the first half of the year, 686 patients were admitted to the cardiovascular care unit. Of these, 79 were readmissions. What percentage were readmitted?
22. The HIM department has two experienced coders and two coders with training but without experience. The hourly pay I
for experienced coders is $15 an hour and, for the inexperienced coders, the hourly pay rate is $12. What is the annual salary for each level of coding?
23. A health clinic has 10,000 paper-based charts on file. In the past six months, 1,200 charts were requested. What was the six-month chart request rate? A
24. A medical center, with 75,000 charts on file, has established a chart should be located within a 15-minute time frame. At the end of one month, it was determined that out of a total of 675 chart requests, 650 were located within the quality standard of 15 minutes. What is the compliance rate?
25. A department has budgeted $163,317.00 for salaries and wages. The actual expenses, over the same period of time, were $171,633.00. Determine the variance.
26. An hourly wage earner in the department earns $13.10. In the past four weeks, the employee worked full-time and, in addition, worked a 4-hour shift one Saturday (paid at time-and-a-half). How much is the computed 4-week salary?
27. A full-time employee has a base salary of $14.25 per hour. During the employee's yearly evaluation, a 1.5% cost of living increase plus a 2°/0 merit pay increase was granted, both to be added to the base salary. What will be the new hourly wage?
28. The present budget for supplies ($16,300) is to be increased by 10% in the coming year. What amount should be in¬cluded for supplies in the new budget? Ai coding supervisor has two full-time coders who average 35 productive hours per week. A standard of 20 minutes per chart has been established as the departmental coding standard. The facility anticipates an increase in the number of discharges since a new wing to the facility is nearing completion. It is anticipated that the number of discharges will increase to a total of 300 discharges to be coded per week. Will new staff be required and, if so, how many additional coders will be needed?
30. It has been estimated that a full-time employee at the medical center costs an average of $3.00 per hour in fringe benefits. Employee Hourly Wage Hours Worked per Week
A $12.00 40
B $11.00 40
C $14.00 20 (no fringe benefits)
a. What is the regular weekly salary of each employee?
b. What is the total cost to the employer for each employee?
c. What is the total amount to be budgeted to cover all three employees for a year?