Statistical programming for data science

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Reference no: EM131711609

Statistical Programming for Data Science

Does Public Transit Encourage Physical Activity?

In recent years there have been a number of health interventions conducted world-wide, with the goal of encouraging adults to become more physically active on a daily basis. A motivation for such interventions is that physically active adults have been reported to have lower rates of chronic diseases as well as a reduced risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. However, with demanding careers and busy personal lives, many adults do not make time for regular exercise.

Active public transport has long been the focus of health initiatives, as it involves walking to bus or tram stops or train stations, as well as cycling using public bike lanes and roadways. In some countries active public transport has become public policy - for example, in Denmark, walking and cycling are popular modes of public transport and now form part of the government outdoor recreation strategy.

In 2010-2011 the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene conducted the Physical Activity and Transit Survey (PAT). The PAT Survey consisted of three parts:

1. A telephone survey of physical activity and health
2. A weeklong accelerometer device component of a sub-sample of participants; and
3. A weeklong GPS device component.

The data can be downloaded from the COMP 5070 website.

Your analysis and conclusions in your report should focus on whether the use of Public Transport encourages physical activity. You have been provided a number of data sets you are free to use as you see fit, providing the requested components (below) are included. You can focus on one file or merge data files - wherever your analyst's brain takes you

For the report you are free to analyse whichever aspects of the dataset(s) interest you, with the following caveats:

1. Movement achieved via public transport must be part of the analysis.

2. MVPA (Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity) forms part of your analysis.

3. The report focuses on answering 2 questions of interest - posed by you - and answered by your data analysis.

Programming language: R is probably easier to use however you are free to use just R, just Python or R and Python - whatever you need to get the job done

The report should contain the following:

1. Report Aim: Write a short explanation of the analysis to be performed and an explanation of the question(s) you are investigating within the data (1-2 paragraphs).

2. Data Summary: Write a short explanation of the data you will analyse - e.g. demographics of interest and/or other variables you will investigate (1-2 paragraphs).

3. Data Cleaning an explanation of any data cleaning performed (including merging) to enable the analysis to be performed.

4. Descriptive statistics including visualisations to support your analysis including the 2 questions you have posed as part of your analysis.

5. Statistical comparisons: besides focusing on MVPA there should be a comparative aspect of interest in your analysis. E.g. MVPA by activity type or MVPA by demographics, MVPA by day of the week ... these are just suggestions - it's really up to you

As a minimum you need to produce one comparison for each question of interest you wish to answer.

6. Exploratory Factor Analysis: conduct an exploratory factor analysis for the data in PublicTransportSurvey.csv - a codebook has been provided in the file PublicTransportSurvey.txt. Partial code has been provided with this take-home exam in the file TakeHomeExam_EFA.R. Please use this code as your starting point and follow the prompts given to you inside the file. In particular look for lines starting:
### !!! or ### R
as there is a question in the code you need to answer and code you need to write, respectively.

For the Exploratory Factor Analysis you need to include the following in your written report here:

- The Cronbach Alpha output and a short discussion (2-3 sentences) as to whether the data is trustworthy and why you conducted the Cronbach Alpha test.

- Correlation output of your choosing (graphical and/or numerical) with an accompanying discussion (3-4 sentences). If numerical, round the correlations to 2 digits. There is a hint below regarding rounding.

- A single paragraph explaining the outcome of the determinant test, Bartlett's test of sphericity and the KMO statistic for the data. Do not include R output.

- Your decision regarding the number of factors to estimate (scree plot may be shown, do not show the R console output).

- The FINAL factor solution you have chosen - you may wish to present this as a table. You do not need to discuss results of any other solutions tried, however you should justify your final factor solution.

- The final factor solution should include names of the factors in each analysis and an explanation as to how you come up with these names.

- Are there any survey questions you think could be dropped? Explain.

- The plot of your final factor solution. In the workshop example we plotted four in one overall graph; in this case you only need to produce one plot and it should match your chosen solution.

7. Conclusion: Draw conclusions about:
i. The use of public transport by visitors to Adelaide (1 paragraph).
ii. Your analysis overall (1 paragraph).

Data Files

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From this paper, it can be said that the number of respondents who have a higher BMI tend to use private cars and have a higher urge of consuming carcinogens. In addition to this, these respondents are much more prone to chronic diseases and various ailments. There are various types of tests that are conducted to ascertain the results. This has been done by collecting data from the target group and interpreting the results by using the methods mentioned above. R programming has been used to analyse the findings.

Reference no: EM131711609

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11/14/2017 4:04:19 AM

ITS OPEN GO TO DATA FILE I SENT IT WITH FILE (TAKE HOME EXAM ) AND OPEN THE DATA FILE ---- (READ FIRST - READ SECOND ) THEN THERE USE THE MOUSE TO CHOOSE ANY PART AND JUST MAKE CLICK ALSO THISIS JUST FOR :::: More information about the study can be found online at:­-sets/physical-­-activity-­-and-­-transit-­-survey-­- (YOU CAN USE DATA FILE (READ FIRST --READ SECOND) BY USE THE MOUSE. SO FOR THE DATA FROM COMP 5070 YOU CAN FIND IT BY ATTAC dear all my work with you no complete so please use the (Programming language: R (RStudio) is probably easier to use however you are free to use just R, just Python or R and Python – whatever you need to get the job done) to running the file attach to answer for question inside it please review the assignment all and back it to me ? I need the answer code to running with R programming


11/8/2017 2:31:24 AM

The real challenge in this exam is to conduct an analysis of your choosing, based on the specifications given to you in the exam file. Providing you follow the guidelines provided you are free in many aspects to drive your own analysis. the due date after 4-5 days


11/8/2017 2:30:48 AM

Write a report summarising your analysis (50%). Length indicators are given within the question itself. • Plagiarism is a specific form of academic misconduct. Although the University encourages discussing work with others and the Social Forum will support this, ultimately this submission is to represent your individual work. If plagiarism is found, all parties will be penalised. You should retain copies of all assignment computer files used during development. These files must remain unchanged after submission, for the purpose of checking if required. explanations are given to help you understand the requested analyses. You do not need to write a lot of specialised code -­- you should be able to find nearly all the code you need from the R files provided throughout the course, via case studies and other examples and your second assignment. I have also given you partial code for the last part of the analysis.


11/8/2017 2:30:33 AM

• The take-­-home exam is worth 30% of your overall grade. The exam is out of 100 marks. • The exam is to be submitted as a compressed file (e.g. .zip, .tar.gz, .gz) using Gradebook. This file should include ALL code needed to run your analysis. • You do NOT need to include any data files provided to you, as it will be assumed I too have themIf you have created new data files, then please include those. • To obtain the maximum available marks you should aim to: 1. Code all requested components (40%). 2. Use a clear style of code presentation (10%). Code clarity is an important part of your submission. Thus you should choose meaningful variable names and adopt the use of comments -­- you don't need to comment every single line, as this will affect readability -­- however you should aim to comment at least each section of code.

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