Reference no: EM132984401
Company Name = Pakistan Paper Plant - Acquired by
Gold Paper Group (AJK)
Project Name = Dragon Project
Client = Qureshi Industries
The spring of 2020 was eventful. First, Qureshi Industries asked the Pakistan Paper plant to carry out preliminary work for a new paper to supply its next generation of printers, known as the Dragon project. Second, the plant was acquired by the Gold Paper Group (AJK), which was not impressed by what it found. The plant had been making a loss for two years and had incurred Qureshi Industries' disapproval over the paper curl issue. They made it clear that if the plant did not get the Dragon contract, its future looked bleak. Meanwhile, in the plant, the chief concern was plant productivity, but also Qureshi Industries was starting to make complaints about quality levels. Yet Qureshi Industries attitude caused bewilderment in the Production team. "When Qureshi Industries asked questions about Pakistan Paper Plant's process the operations guys would say, "Look we're making roll after roll of paper, it's within specification and we've got 97 per cent up-time. What's the problem?" (COO, Pakistan Paper Plant). But it was not until summer that the full extent of Qureshi Industries disquiet was made clear. "I will never forget that day in June of 2020. I was with Qureshi Industries in Mirpur, and during the meeting one of their engineers handed me some of the process data that we had to supply with every batch of product and said "Here's your latest data. We think you're out of control and you don't know that you're out of control and we think that Qureshi Industries is looking at this data more than Management at Pakistan Paper Plant are." He was absolutely right. (Rasheed Usman). ?
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is an industry-standard methodology for measuring and controlling quality during the manufacturing process. Data generated is of absolute importance considering this fact develop a strategy for Pakistan Paper Plant to gain back control of their manufacturing processes.