Reference no: EM13303361
Accessible Statistics 200words
This first discussion will introduce you to the type of research and analysis required in the course. Statistical analysis needs to be grounded in theory and backed by research to be useful to management.
Five data collection techniques are discussed in this week's readings. Using articles from the library's full-text databases, find examples of studies that used two different methods of data collection.
1. Paragraph 1: Describe the data collection method used in one study. (Be sure to cite the article which must be from one of AIU's full-text databases)
2. Paragraph 2: Using the knowledge you gained from the textbook, discuss the pros and cons of the data collection method. (Cite the textbook)
3. Paragraph 3: Describe a different data collection method used in another study. (Be sure to cite the article which must be from one of AIU's full-text databases)
4. Paragraph 4: Again, using the knowledge you learned from the textbook, discuss the pros and cons of the data collection method. (Cite the textbook)
Please do not use quotes or copy definitions. You will not receive credit for understanding the materials if you use the words of others. Keep in mind that since you did research and you have citations in the body of the post, you must also place a reference list at the end containing the textbook and the articles cited.
Do not use file attachments. It is NOT necessary to upload this assignment to the Submit Files area. Your 3 paragraph (200 words) main post must be submitted to the Discussion Board.
Research Methodologies
Quantitative Research
Because it deals with specific empirical data that is gathered, measured, and analyzed,quantitative research methodology is a powerful form of research. In this methodology,relationships between variables are measured or quantified. This includes both
dependant variables that are observed and independent variables oroutcomes. Quantitative research can be applied to both observational and experimentalresearch. The focus on hypothesis testing is really what distinguishes quantitative fromqualitative research.An example of a quantitative research project is the development of an electroniccomponent based on two different kinds of software. If the research question is Whichsoftware enables the electronic component to perform faster and more efficiently?, thehypothesis is that Software A will outperform Software B using a specific set ofcriteria. The research design is to conduct an experiment to determine the bestperforming and most efficient software for the electronic component. Performance ismeasured based on a specific set of criteria.
Qualitative ResearchDealing with observation and analyzing trends as well as patterns and behaviors,qualitative research methodology is often referred to as a softer form of researchapproach. Qualitative research can be considered more exploratory innature. Information is collected using focus groups, seminars, surveys, interviews, andforums.
An example of a qualitative research project is the study of how work is accomplishedin an organization. A case study approach may be used as the researchstrategy. Information is gathered from organizational charts, documents, andobservation of daily operational behavior.Results and conclusions from the study maygenerate recommendations or even more questions for further research.Mixed Methods Research
Because it combines the power of quantitative and qualitative approaches, mixedmethods research methodology is often considered the most powerful. An example ofthis type of research strategy is the use of both case study and an experimental designto explore an organization's processes. Processes are observed, changed, measured,and the results quantitatively analyzed. Again, this research methodology combines thequalitative (case study approach) with the quantitative (experimental design) approach.Action Research
Action research methodology provides a way to approach solving a problem or improving a process. The methodology's iterative nature is very similar to performing aquality process improvement effort within an organization. Although there are anumber of models, the basic approach is a spiral processthat includes identifying theproblem, fact finding, planning, taking action, and evaluating and correcting as necessary.
One example of an action research project is that of an organization that operates asales call center. The call center is dropping a high number of calls, thus losingpotential revenue, so a team is pulled together and data are collected, reviewed, and anaction plan developed.Corrections are continuously implemented until the call centermetrics improve.
Ethics in Research
Whether in daily life, a job, or especially in research, ethical behavior is critical toprotect personal and organizational integrity. When conducting research, the entireresearch process must be monitored and carefully administered to ensure each step ofthe process is following the highest standards of conduct possible. Regardless of theresearch methodology used, during the entire process, careful consideration must begiven to honesty, intellectual property, use of human subjects, confidentiality, andsocial responsibility.
Examples of unethical behavior are not very hard to find. In research, ethics are crucialto maintain credibility of the researcher, the team, and even the organizationconducting the research project. Once the information, analysis, results, andconclusions have been compromised, the value of the research is substantially, if notirreparably, compromised.
Attachment:- 321591_2_Unit-1-QMand-Analysis-Data-Base-For-DB (1).docx