Stationary heat-conduction problem

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13865294

1. The stationary heat-conduction problem is governed by Poisson's equation (in 2D Cartesian coordinates):

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Consider the stationary heat condution in a uniform circular disk of radius ?? = 5 cm and thickness 1 mm. The disk is made of aluminum with thermal conductivity ?? = 200 W m · K ⁄ . The plate is being heated with a uniformly distributed volumetric heat source ?? = 10 kW m3 ⁄ . The perimeter of the disk is held at constant temperature ??0 = 20?.

1) Utilize the symmetry of the problem and solve the equation on a quarter of the disk, what boundary conditions needs to be applied on the symmetry lines?

2) Convert the partial differential equation and the natural boundary conditions to a weak form, and state the essential boundary conditions (if any).

3) Implement the weak form in COMSOL by using the 2D weak-form module in a stationary mode. Use triangular and quadrilateral elements in both linear and quadratic orders, study the convergence and mesh dependence. Discuss your observation. (You may use the L2 error

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The exact solution of the equation is

4) Select one case (with the largest elements you used), and generate the 2D plot of the error distribution of the heat flux: qx = -k ??t ???? ⁄ , ???? = -?? ???? ???? ⁄ . Where are the flux results more accurate?

2. Now consider the heat conduction on the same disk, but instead of the distributed heat source s, there is a concentrated source ?? = 100??/?? located on the central axis of the disk.

1) How would the weak-form equation change? (Hint: consider a distributed source only on part of the disk, and then take the limit and let the volume/area of the part go to infinitesimal.)

2) Repeat question 3) of Problem 1. Now the exact solution is

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Reference no: EM13865294

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