Statements is true about the efficient market hypothesis

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13495566 , Length: 5

1. For Question I to IV, choose only one answer and explain the rationale in one or two sentences.

I. Which of the following contradicts the proposition that the stock market is weakly efficient?

a) An analyst is able to identify mispriced stocks by looking at stock charts.

b) Mutual funds do not outperform the market on average.

c) Some investorscan earn abnormal profits.

d) The autocorrelations of stock returns are not significantly different from zero.

II. Which of the following would provide the strongest evidence against the semi-strong form of the efficient market theory?

a. Fundamental analysis does not help generate abnormal returns.

b. Technical analysis is worthless in identifying mispriced stocks.

c. Stock prices response to firms' earnings announcements gradually.

d. Mutual fund managers do not beat the market on average.

III. A random walk occurs when

a) Stock price changes are random but predictable.

b) Stock prices respond slowly to both new and old information.

c) Past information is useful in predicting future prices.

d) Future price changes are uncorrelated with past price changes.

IV. Which of the following statements is true about the efficient market hypothesis?

a. It implies a rational market.

b. It implies that everyone makes zero profit from trading.

c. It implies perfect forecasting ability.

d. It implies that prices do not fluctuate.

Reference no: EM13495566

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