Statement to display the sku, sku_description

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13167062

write an sql statement to display the SKU, SKU_Description, WareHouse ID, and QuantityOnHand for all products having a QuantityOnOrder equal to 0. Sort the results in descending order by WareHouse ID and in ascending order by SKU

Reference no: EM13167062

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Statement to display the sku, sku_description : write an sql statement to display the SKU, SKU_Description, WareHouse ID, and QuantityOnHand for all products having a QuantityOnOrder equal to 0. Sort the results in descending order by WareHouse ID and in ascending order by SKU
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Write a query to display using the employees table the EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME and HIRE_DATE of every employee who was hired after to 1 January, 1995.

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Run the lab_03_01.sql script in the attached file to create the SAL_HISTORY table. Display the structure of the SAL_HISTORY table.

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Write a query to display the last name, department number, and salary of any employee whose department number and salary both match the department number and salary of any employee who earns a commission.

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Write down actors (or actress, your choice, but not both) who have won at least two (2) Academy Awards for best actor/actress. Provide the actor name, movie title & year. Order the result by actor name."

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  Determine resonant frequency in series rlc resonant circuit

Given the series RLC resonant circuit in the figure, operating at variable frequency, determine: The resonant frequency ω o ,  The circuit’s quality factor Q , The cut-off frequencies, f 1  & f 2  and the bandwidth BW

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Write summary query which uses CUBE operator to return LineItemSum (which is the sum of InvoiceLineItemAmount) group by Account(an alias for AccountDesciption).

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