State whether you believe if mainstreaming

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133546581

State whether you believe if Mainstreaming or Schools for the Deaf is the best educational setting for Deaf students.
Support your statement with two reasons based on the lessons and online resources.
(You do not need to answer the questions above! Just need to know whether you agree or disagree with my response below) Thank you

If you disagree, provide your rationale, using two reasons from the online lesson and resources.
If you agree, provide at least two more additional reasons to support your opinion.
My response

I believe that when it comes to be the best educational setting that it depends on the person. As he stated in the video, "those who were fortunate enough to be around other deaf people had opportunities deaf children don't have today." He continuously said how Moses was the first deaf person he knew about and that he wasn't around many deaf people growing up. I believe that a school for the deaf would be a good educational setting because when mainstreamed I believe they will be treated as he said, disabled instead of bilingual. It gives them the opportunity to be around people who understand them and who are going through what they are. It also is helpful because with hearing parents the schools may be better at communicating with them on how to help their children thrive and learn. However, this is difficult because like stated in the video, "We need to support deaf children being in both environments that use spoken language and sign language." I feel as though the problem isn't needing to make schools for the deaf, it is providing the resources and opportunities within the schools for them to thrive. When it comes to the person, someone who uses oral languages may prefer to be in mainstreaming while someone who is more into communicating through sign language would thrive more in a school for the deaf. All in all, from the video alone and hearing about his experiences and his research, I lean more towards schools for the deaf and being able to get the resources they need. When it comes to them testing higher and getting access no matter if they use oral languages or sign language, it just shows how inclusive and involving schools for the deaf are.

Reference no: EM133546581

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