State the three basic elements of spc

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13336863

1. SPC is one of a number of tools which can be used to improve manufacturing quality standards.

(a) Outline two techniques which can be used to decide where to put SPC effort most effectively.

(b) State 3 ways in which the application of SPC can improve quality standards.

(c) State the three basic elements of SPC.

2. From the data given on the next page, produce:

  • a tally chart
  • a frequency chart
  • a ranked frequency chart with cumulative frequencies (work to whole numbers only)
  • a Pareto diagram of percentage frequencies and percentage cumulative frequencies (work to whole numbers only).

Data: Record of reasons for rejection of 80 components by 10 types of defects, A to K.









Reference no: EM13336863

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