State the purpose of the research effort

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131495221

Assignment: The Tax

For this assignment, please consider the topic and problem you might choose for your Signature Assignment in any topic in Tax at USA. Respond to the following questions:

1. State the research problem and ensure it is supported by at least 3 to 5 scholarly resources within the past 5 years to ensure relevancy. Also keep in mind that your problem statement should reflect your degree (applied or Researches ). How could you use qualitative methodology to address your research problem?

2. State the purpose of the research effort. Make sure the purpose is aligned with the problem.

3. Draft 2 to 3 research questions that would be appropriate for a qualitative study and addresses your research problem and are aligned with your purpose statement.

4. Identify and discuss a design that is associated with the qualitative methodology that you would consider to answer your research questions.

5. You will find that some problems lend themselves to using one methodology over another. A goal of this assignment was to have you explore how a qualitative methodology might help you address your research questions.

A. Based on your analysis above, do you feel the use of a qualitative methodology and your chosen design is best suited to address your research problem and answer your questions. Why or why not?

Length: 3-5 pages.

Reference no: EM131495221

Questions Cloud

How do you account or explain this phenomenon : Venezuela and the case for Economic Freedom. Many Venezuelans still proclaim themselves to be "Chavistas." How do you account or explain this phenomenon?
Select an organization such as a company : Imagine you are a consultant for an organization, and they would like you to work on developing their core values.
How you would explain the idiom to the student : Imagine you are teaching a beginner class and a student asks you about one of the following idioms. Discuss how you would explain the idiom to the student
Determine and explain what type of leader steve jobs was : Summarize the initial challenges he faced when starting Apple. Specifically, address Jobs' strategy and implementation.
State the purpose of the research effort : State the purpose of the research effort. Make sure purpose is aligned with the problem. Discuss a design that is associated with the qualitative methodology.
Evaluate current or future applications of biotechnology : Evaluate current or future applications of biotechnology in the fields of medicine or agriculture.
What would be the present value of her deferred annuity : Which has earned 5% per year, compounded annually and is expected to continue paying that amount. Mary will make one more $500 deposit one year from today.
Describe three key inputs and and fixed and variable costs : Describe three key inputs (or factors of production) and fixed and variable costs involved in the production of your chosen product or service.
People argue that the united states : So we see that some people argue that the United States is about as meritocratic as a large, complex society can reasonably be.


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