State the purpose of the function

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13859359

You may be asked to create a function to solve each of the tasks given below. For each task state the purpose of the function, what the function needs complete the task (input), what the function will send back to the function call (output), and the process (algorithm) needed to complete the task. Do not write any C++ code, but clearly specify what needs to be passed to the function, output will be sent back to the function call, and algorithm. Also state which parameters should be passed by value and which should be passed by reference.

1. Design a function that will calculate both the volume and surface area of a sphere given a radius (validated elsewhere in the program). Your function should not contain any input statements or any output statements. Both the volume and surface area should be sent back to the function call.

2. Design a function for the scenario given below. The function should not have any input statements in it.

You are working for a bottling company. Bottles are placed into different types of packaging. Six (6) bottles are put into a six-pack. Four (4) six-packs are combined to form a case. Thirty (30) cases are wrapped together to form a pallet for shipping. You are to create a function that will determine the number of pallets, cases, six-packs and single bottles are created from the total number of produced during a shift. The function should be designed to minimize the number of each packaging type and number of bottles not in a package. The algorithm should contain no more than 7 arithmetic operators. The number of each type of packaging should be sent back to the function call.

For example if 1559 bottles were produced during a shift that would correspond to 2 pallets, 4 cases, 3 six-packs, and 5 single bottles.

3. Design a function that will solve the quadratic formula for determining roots

-b±√(b2-4ac) /(2a)

The function should send back to the function call the two roots and if they are real or imaginary. If the quantity (b^2 - 4ac) is less than zero, the roots will be imaginary and you should use the absolute value of (b^2 - 4ac) to determine the root values.

4. Design function that will read a series of numbers from a file and send back to the function call the largest 3 values in the file.

Reference no: EM13859359

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