State the null and alternative hypotheses

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13703511

Use the appropriate t test to analyze the data from the Risky Decisions CogLab. Specifically, evaluate the hypothesis that the mean proportion of risky choices is higher when the choices involve losses than when they involve gains, for large gains/losses and small risks. Use an alpha level of .05, 1-tailed. [8 points]State the null and alternative hypotheses, using general scientific language. (1 point)State the null and alternative hypotheses, using specific statistical language. (1 point)Report the results, using APA style. (2 points) State your decision with respect to H0 and provide a conclusion. (1 point)Calculate, report, and provide an interpretation of the effect size estimate, . Show any equations and all steps in your answer. (3 points)

1.    Use the appropriate t test to analyze the data from the Risky DecisionsCogLab. Specifically, evaluate the hypothesis that the mean proportion of riskychoices is higher when the choices involve losses than when they involve gains,for large gains/losses and small risks. Use an alpha level of .05, 1-tailed. [8points]

a.   State the null and alternative hypotheses, using general scientificlanguage.

b.   State the null and alternative hypotheses, using specific statisticallanguage. 

c.    Report the results, using APA style. 

d.   State your decision with respect to H0 and provide aconclusion.

e.   Calculate, report, and provide an interpretation of the effect sizeestimate, . Show any equations and allsteps in your answer.

Reference no: EM13703511

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