State the message or main ideas presented in the cartoon

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Reference no: EM132019345

1. Identify one example of a policy or part of the U.S. Constitution that increased the power of the federal government. Explain how it was able to tip the balance of power toward the federal government.

2. Identify one example of a policy or part of the U. S. Constitution that increased the power of the individual states. Explain how it was able to tip the balance of power toward the states.

3. Now respond and comment to what you believe (agree or disagree) and on a student's personal response to both of the questions above. Have explanation.

"Article VI clause 2 of the constitution known as the supremacy clause increased the power of the federal government. It states that states laws are subordinate to the federal law, so when the federal law conflicts with state law, the federal law is followed, giving the federal government power over states government."

"The establishment of the 10th amendment increased the power of individual states. The amendment assumes powers to the states as it is not explicitly prohibited by the constitution."

4. Now again respond and comment to what you believe (agree or disagree) and on another student's personal response to both of the questions above. Have explanation.

 "I think the third clause of the eighth section of the First Article helped increased the power of the federal government. This allows the Congress to regulate commerce among other foreign states and with the Indian tribes. Not only that, this clause allows the federal government to regulate all kinds of economic activity (For example, setting up a minimum wage.)."

 "I think the sixteenth amendment of the Constitution helped increase the power of individual states. This amendment allows the federal government to levy an income tax from all Americans. With that, an income tax allows for the government to keep an army, build roads and bridges, enforce laws, and carry out other important duties."

 5. Go to the Political Cartoon web site: Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index!

Choose a cartoon that is about polling, public opinion, or a politician "using" the media.

Analyze using the following steps:

  1. Closely study any characters in the cartoon. Based on your knowledge of local and world 
    events, who can be identified?
  2. Describe the characters' style of dress and other visual clues including facial expressions, body language and appearance, and exaggerated facial or physical characteristics.
  3. Identify any objects or symbols in the cartoon.
  4. Read the caption or any text in the cartoon. What does it express?
  5. State the message or main ideas presented in the cartoon.
  6. Identify any words or phrases that appear most important.
  7. Examine and illustrate the techniques the cartoonist uses to convey his message: symbolism, ridicule, caricature, satire, puns.
  8. Identify what special interest groups would agree or disagree with the cartoon's message.
  9. Summarize or paraphrase the cartoon's message or main idea.


6. Free-Response Question: Look at Table 1 below. Complete the free-response question using data from the table. 

 Table 1: Effects of Education on Political Participation, 1992


Grade School

High School

Some College


Interest in a campaign





Voted in election





Discussed politics almost daily





Tried to persuade others





Contributed money to a campaign





Data in percentage form. National Electionh Study by Center for Political





Studios. University of Michigan





Free-Response Question:

Americans have very low voter turnout. Analyze the above table. How does education affect voting? What other demographics determine voter participation? What reforms have been made to encourage voter participation? Discuss general participation by Americans in the political system.

Reference no: EM132019345

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