Reference no: EM131094146
Economics 711: Microeconomic Theory II - final exams
Q1. An isolated economy produces just one crop, corn, using a fixed quantity of land and variable quantities of labor and tractors. Labor is also used to produce the tractors.
(a) Which of the following conditions are needed for Pareto optimality:
i. The marginal rate of technical substitution of tractors for labor in the production of corn equals the marginal product of labor in the production of tractors.
ii. The marginal utility of leisure equals the marginal product of labor in corn multiplied by the marginal utility of corn, for each individual.
iii. The marginal rate of substitution of leisure for corn is equal for all consumers.
Explain your answers in detail.
(b) Which of the above conditions would be satisfied in a competitive market economy? How?
Q2. A monopolist faces two types of consumers, with demand curves given by p1 = 3-q1 and p2 = 4-2q2. There are 100 consumers of each type. The (constant) marginal cost of production is 1. Does the profit-maximizing two part tariff involve charging a unit price below marginal cost, once the consumers have paid a fixed fee? Explain why or why not.
Q3. Is it possible to find a two-good utility function such that the two goods are complements? If so, find one; if not, explain why none can be found.
4. (a) State the First Theorem of Welfare Economics for an exchange economy.
(b) Give an example in which the First Theorem does not hold, and explain which assumptions of the theorem are violated in your example.
(c) State the Second Theorem of Welfare Economics for an exchange economy.
(d) Give an example in which the Second Theorem does not hold, and explain which assumptions of the theorem are violated in your example.
Q5. (a) State and prove Hotelling's Lemma.
(b) Show that a factor of production is inferior if and only if an increase in the price of that factor reduces marginal cost.
Q6. Consider an exchange economy with two goods, fish and cheese, and two people, One and Two. One is endowed with .5 pounds of fish and .5 pounds of cheese, and two has the same endowment. One's utility function is u(f, c) = fc, and Two's utility function is u(f, c) = f2+c2.
(a) Can you find a competitive equilibrium for this economy? If so, is it Pareto optimal? If not, explain which assumptions of the First Welfare Theorem are violated.
(b) What is the set of Pareto optimal allocations in this economy? Can all these allocations be supported as competitive equilibria? Explain.
Q7. State whether the following assertions are true, false or ambiguous, and explain why.
(a) Constant relative risk aversion implies that the demand for insurance is a decreasing function of wealth.
(b) If a state seeks to attract new industries by subsidizing production costs, it is more effective to subsidize either labor or capital costs than to allocate the same total to a mixture of labor and capital subsidies.
(c) A firm uses 10 units of labor and 20 units of capital to produce 10 units of output. The marginal product of labor is 0.5. If there are constant returns to scale the marginal product of capital must be 0.25.
Difference between the life expectancy
: Construct a 95% confidence interval for u1-u2 , the difference between the life expectancy u1 in Germany and the life expectancy u2 in the United States. Then complete the table below.
What will the firm choose to do in the short-run and why
: What will the firm choose to do in the short-run and why? A perfectly competitive firm will operate and incur an economic loss in the short run if. What is Evan's marginal revenue from the 2nd sandwich sold?
Describe the meaning of multiculturalism
: Describe the meaning of multiculturalism in your own words - Is the United States of America a multicultural country? Why or why not?
Show the supply and demand for the product
: Give an example not mentioned in the book or lesson of an industry into which firms entered because profits were low.
State the first theorem of welfare economics
: State the First Theorem of Welfare Economics for an exchange economy. Give an example in which the First Theorem does not hold, and explain which assumptions of the theorem are violated in your example
Confidence interval for the average balance
: A local department store took a random sample of 64 charge accounts and found that the average balance was $63.19 with a sample standard deviation s = $12.50. Find a 90% confidence interval for the average balance due at this store.
Identify each persons class, race, and gender
: Identify each person's class, race, and gender - what role has class, race, and gender played in their lives? How do you see these stratifies as playing a role, even if the interviewee is unaware of it?
Calculate the probability that linda
: In order to make a profit of $40,000 per year, she will need at least 2,100 guests. Calculate the probability that Linda will make a profit of at least $40,000 per year.
Decision analysis case study
: Valley of the Sun Academy (VSA) is an online school specializing in GED programs for the Phoenix area. Valley of the Sun Academy enrolls 813 students and has a part-time faculty pool of 65 online instructors.