Reference no: EM13632774
1.Find an example of a feedback control system from suggested textbooks. Some of the examples can be given below:
•DC motor control
•Satellite tracking antenna
•Magnetic tape drive speed control
•Automatic ship steering
•Attitude rate control for an aircraft
•Stick balancer control
•Altitude Control of a hot-air balloon
•Design of a satellite attitude control
•Lateral and Longitudinal control of a Boeing 747
•Control of the fuel-air ratio in an automotive engine
2. (If possible) explain how the system works and what the components are by drawing a rough sketch of the system
3. (If available) give the differential equations of the system, try obtaining the transfer function yourself
4. Analyze the open-loop characteristics of the system (pole locations, impulse and step response)
5. Analyse the closed-loop characteristics of the system with unity feedback and proportional controller
6. Determine the range of proportional gain for stability using Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion
7. Design PI, PD or PID controller for desired response. State the desired performance criteria of the system such as maximum overshoot, damping ratio, steady-state error, rise time, natural frequency.
8. Estimate the initial gains for tuning the controller, try using Ziegler-Nichols method.
9. State the final form and the constants of the controller. Plot the final response of the system. Explain if the desired performance is achieved.
10. Write a conclusion. The references should be cited at the end of the report.