State the evaluation criteria used in the niosh hhe report

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Reference no: EM131130050

Case Study Ergonomics

Select one of the three NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Reports listed below, and perform a critical analysis of the report.

Option 1. Health Hazard Evaluation Report, HETA 2010-0114-3168. (2012). Ergonomic Evaluation of Surfacing and Finishing Tasks during Eyeglass Manufacturing - Minnesota.

Option 2. Health Hazard Evaluation Report, HETA 2010-0008-3148. (2011). Ergonomic and Safety Climate Evaluation at a Brewery - Colorado.

Option 3. The health hazard evaluation report, HETA 2007-0098-3061. (2008). Ergonomic Evaluation of Frank Hangers at a Turkey Processing Plant - California.

Your case study review must include the following headings per APA guidelines:

1. Introduction -Provide a description of the selected case. Describe the issues of the case, and state the purpose of the paper.
2. Methods - State the evaluation criteria used in the NIOSH HHE Report.
3. Results - Present the findings from the Health hazard evaluation.
4. Recommendations - Describe the recommendations for improvements.
5. Discussion - Review relevant literature on the subject. Does research support the recommendations of the case? In addition, are there any other issues of concern?
6. Conclusion - Present your comments on the case. What did you learn in this review? What more would you like to have seen discussed in the report? In general, your own opinions should only be included in this section.

Your answer to this assignment must be four to six pages, double spaced, and 12 point font (separate title page and reference page are not included in the page length). Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and a listing of sources are to be followed.

Reference no: EM131130050

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