Reference no: EM131763214 , Length: 6
The year is 2025 and the U.S. Supreme Court has declared all laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace to be unconstitutional.
In its opinion, however, the Supreme Court made clear that employers could voluntarily adopt policies and procedures prohibiting any and all forms of discrimination in the workplace.
The Supreme Court also made clear that employers could voluntarily adopt hiring practices to diversify their workforces provided such practices did not include express preferences based upon immutable characteristics.
You have been hired as a consultant by a large, nationwide retailer to examine the business case for ensuring that all of the employee protections are found within the federal anti-discrimination laws, as well as the business case for prohibiting any other forms of discrimination in the workplace.
Write a four to six (4-6) page report in which you:
Analyze the benefits and costs of voluntarily prohibiting three to five (3-5) federal forms of discrimination prohibited under the federal anti-discrimination laws.
Discuss the benefits and costs of voluntarily prohibiting a form of discrimination not covered by any of the federal anti-discrimination laws.
State the benefits and costs of voluntarily adopting hiring and promotion practices designed to diversify the workforce.
Evaluate the ethical considerations of not voluntarily prohibiting the forms of discrimination laws examined in the first part of your report. Next, determine the ethical considerations of not voluntarily adopting hiring and promotion practices to diversify the workforce.
Provide a final recommendation to this retailer on whether or not they should ensure all, part, or none of the employee protections examined in the first part of your report.
Your recommendation should also include whether or not the retailer should adopt hiring and promotion practices designed to diversify the workplace.
Be sure to include a rationale for your recommendation along with an explanation for any rejections of contrary positions or other pertinent considerations.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
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