State how a physician is like a salesman

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Reference no: EM133385949

Question 1 Are oral or written communication skills more important as an office manager

Question 2 Using "The Best Place to Work" text state how a physician is like a salesman. Include at least three examples. You will then provide your analysis as to whether you believe physicians need to be salesman in order to provide quality care and meet the needs of patients

Question 3 In healthcare we are quick to label patients as noncompliant. Discuss the difference between noncompliance and free will. Is there a difference? What are some reasons a patient might be noncompliant, is free will one of them

Question 4 Are you ever allowed to lie to a patient; even a little white lie? Is it ok to withhold information about a necessary medical treatment so the patient will agree to the treatment even if we know it goes against their religious or moral convictions? What about disregarding a patient's beliefs altogether and providing care that goes against their wishes, but is medically appropriate? Could the healthcare provider be sued for malpractice if treatment for the patient's medical condition is not completed?

Reference no: EM133385949

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