State crimes underscore the necessity of human rights

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Reference no: EM133688910 , Length: word count:1600


The task
Drawing on academic literature and scholarship and understanding of key concepts and issues relevant to the unit content, students are required to provide a 1400-word research essay to one of the four questions provided in this Instruction Guide, which examine topics covered in weeks 7-10 of the unit (cybercrime, white collar and corporate crime, environmental crime, and state crime).
A key requirement for AT4 is to demonstrate your ability to conduct research. In their response, students must draw on a minimum of eight (8) academic sources to support their discussion, referenced in the Deakin Harvard 2020 style, which includes in-text referencing and a reference list. These can include academic, scholarly, and reputable sources such as books, journal articles, government reports, legislation, and sentencing judgments. Please note that media articles are not considered academic sources. For further information about appropriate resources, see the ‘Reputable Source Guide' included in the AT4 assessment folder.
Additionally, you will complete a 200-word self-assessment coversheet to accompany your responses. This coversheet will provide you with an opportunity to reflect on your performance, evaluate your work against the assessment criteria, and identify areas for improvement.

Essay topics
Please choose and respond to one of the following topics:

Some accounts of corporate crime highlight the notion that harmful practices are embedded in our economic and legal systems. Analyse a specific case of white- collar crime and assess whether the criminal behaviours can be attributed, at least in part, to systemic factors inherent in capitalism.

Criminalization is an ineffective approach to responding to environmental harm.

Regulation offers a more effective set of strategies. Critically discuss this statement as it relates to a recent Australian example of environmental harm (within the last 3 years).

Cybercrime presents unique challenges for law enforcement and regulatory agencies. Drawing on scholarly sources and evidence, critically discuss this statement using a recent (last three years) cybercrime case study.

State crimes underscore the necessity of human rights definitions of crime. Critically evaluate this statement, considering how state-perpetrated atrocities highlight the limitations of traditional legal definitions of crime.

As part of this assessment task, you are required to complete a self-assessment coversheet to accompany your responses. This self-assessment component allows you to reflect on your performance, evaluate your strengths and areas for improvement, and consider how you've drawn upon past feedback you've received in this assessment.

Please follow these instructions for completing the self-assessment coversheet:
Assess how well your responses align with each rubric criterion. Justify what you believe is a fair score or grade for your work, considering your strengths and areas for improvement (approx. 100 words).
Reflect on how previous feedback, both in ACR101 and other university units to date, has informed your current work. How has past feedback influenced your approach to this assignment? (approx. 60 words).
Request specific feedback from your markers. What are some areas you'd like specific feedback on to improve your future performance? (approx. 40 words).

What to do

Step 1 GETTING STARTED: Choose your topic for the list of questions above (only one!).

Step 2 DOING RESEARCH: Start looking for, downloading, and reading relevant books, articles, and reports. Review any relevant textbook chapters (especially Chapter 27) and Study Guide materials.
Next, brainstorm the issues that arise from simply reading the essay topic and try to get a sense of your own views on them. What do you see as the most crucial elements of the debate? What evidence do we need to understand about the issues raised to respond to the question(s) posed?
Referencing is required, using the Deakin Harvard style, so next look up some of the references used by the authors of the relevant textbook chapter(s) to provide evidence and support for the points they raise. Use the Library and other databases to find these and other relevant academic sources. Your essay requires a minimum of 8 academic sources, so you'll need to read widely before you decide what is most useful to you.
Remember, this task is asking you to identify and discuss scholarly debate about the topic you have chosen from those listed above. So, the argument in your essay should be constructed around the weight of evidence from your reading of these academic sources. For example: if in your research you find that most academic opinions agree that a human rights approach for youth offending is what is needed, then this would form the basis of your argument in whether (or not) to raise the age.
Be sure to also discuss alternative arguments as well - try to provide a balanced, critical discussion, but still argue a particular perspective (i.e., don't ‘sit on the fence').
Without conducting enough reading/research, it is very difficult to know how you are going to respond to the essay question. Ideally, you would spend at least several days researching and reading, perhaps over the course of a couple of weeks. Allow yourself time to process information and to take efficient notes.
Make thorough notes of the sources you read, as you go - you'll need them for your reference list later. And remember that all direct quotes and paraphrasing need page numbers in your in-text reference, though you should limit the number of direct quotes used. It is better to try

If you need help finding academic sources or improving your study skills:
Review the online resources at the Criminology Resource Guide.
Take a look at the various Skills for Study, including How to find relevant articles and books.
Watch the videos on digital literacy.
Review the various Study Support tools and services.
Contact your liaison librarians Brad, Chrissy, and Isabelle, via their dedicated discussion board on the Cloudsite: Discussions > ‘ASK Your Librarians'.
For technical difficulties contact IT Help.
For individual help with understanding this assignment (e.g., academic writing, study skills, etc.), and other personal issues contact the Study Support staff.

Step 3 PLANNING YOUR ESSAY: Write an essay plan to the question you have chosen (optional)
Your essay plan should evolve as the research progresses. Write down ideas as you read until a clear, supportable argument evolves. Next, organise the points that support your argument into a coherent order and make sure you have references to support them. Briefly plan what you want to include in your conclusion - that is, where you are going/need to get to (to wrap up your argument).
There are no hard and fast rules about how best to plan and lots of resources available on the web to help you find the best approach for you. How you present your plan is totally up to you and is not part of your assessment- it's just a handy research tool that we suggest in you get in the habit of using. You do not need to include full, polished paragraphs or large sections of text, it is simply about demonstrating how you are going to respond to the question and how you will present this. Even key words and references are sufficient in a good plan.

In one sentence, outline the elements of the debate you have chosen to focus on (this will be three or four of many that might be analysed; your discussion will not be exhaustive because of the word limit - that is fine). You should choose the points that you see as most important. It is good practice to acknowledge this briefly in your essay.
Indicate what you will argue about the issues
Dot point how the discussion will proceed.

Body paragraphs (3-4 of these)

Each paragraph should identify one element of debate about the issue you have chosen to discuss

What does the evidence show (critically assess various arguments, points of view, research or commentary on the issue and make note of relevant references)?

Which views are most persuasive according to your analysis? And, importantly, you should explain why these views are persuasive and/or reliable.

What have you argued?
Why have you argued this?
What do you want to convince your reader of?

Dot points are best for a plan!
Further help with your planning process will be offered during seminars.
There are several support services and guides available to help you with planning your assignments, including research essays, so please review the Drafting your Assignment guides.

Step 4 WRITING YOUR ESSAY: Write a 1400-word essay responding to your question, ensuring that:
You first review the Essay Writing guides available, including the Study Support materials embedded within the ACR101 Cloudsite.
You have a clear introduction that outlines the topic being discussed (i.e., the nature and extent of the research ‘problem'), the key points of your argument and how you are going to argue it.
You follow your rough plan (step 3, above) as this will ensure that you follow a coherent and logical direction.
Your paragraph structure is clear and follows what is outlined in the introduction.
Each paragraph should relate to a key point/theme of your argument, as well as fit the overall flow of your essay (perhaps think of them as ‘themes' related to your essay).
Make sure the first sentence of each paragraph - also known as a ‘topic sentence' - clearly identifies what the paragraph is about and how it fits within the overall narrative of your essay.

For example: ‘Another key feature of the debate surrounding crime in the home is...' - this reinforces its relevance, but also shows how it fits with what you have already said.
Your argument is supported by clear, relevant, and appropriate evidence drawn from the academic literature that is also correctly cited using the Deakin Harvard (2020) guidelines.
You provide a strong and coherent conclusion, which does more than simply repeat the material raised in your essay. A conclusion should summarise the key points, but also highlight the overall outcome of your essay - i.e., what is your broad answer to the question posed?
You adhere to the formatting requirements outlined at the end of this document.
Your essay should be presented on a new page, separate from, and followed by the Reference List.
You complete a final proof-read to avoid any unnecessary spelling, grammar, and expression errors.


Reference no: EM133688910

Questions Cloud

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Motor skills developmental assessment : The motor skills developmental assessment provides valuable insights into the child's physical abilities and areas for further development.
State crimes underscore the necessity of human rights : Demonstrating how you are going to respond to the question and how you will present this. Even key words and references are sufficient in a good plan
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Consider the impact of societal-cultural : "it is important to consider the impact of societal, cultural and religious beliefs when it comes to diabetes care in LICs in SSA.


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