Reference no: EM133217766 , Length: Word count: 1000 Words
Assignment - Final Paper BIO-MEDICAL ETHICS
Final Essay - The paper, worth 25% of your final grade, is to be turned in on August 24th by 9:00AM CST. It should be 4-6 double-spaced pages long (between 1000 and 1500 words).
Please select only one of the four prompts below:
1. Read the following case and answer the three questions below:
You are a member of an ethics advisory board that needs to develop a policy for the just distribution of organs.
A) State and explain the principle(s) of justice that you believe ought to govern how these organs are distributed.
B) Based on the principle(s) of justice you've selected above, define and address the problem of discrimination at the level of a) admission to waiting lists for available organs, and b) selection of individuals for organ removal and transplantation.
C) State whether you believe that each and every human being either has a right to health or a right to healthcare or has no such rights at all an explain why you hold this position.
2. Select a news article that concerns a case relevant to biomedical ethics. Show how the principles that we have studied apply or fail to apply to the case. Make sure you attach a link to the article when you submit the paper on dropbox.
3. Should there have been or still be a national mask mandate in response to Covid. That is, should the federal government mandate the use of masks indoors and/or outdoors. Address the principles of justice in order to explain your rational.
4. E-mail or discuss with me a paper topic that you would like to explore.