Starbucks Case Study Report

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM133041883

Question: Starbucks Case Study Report

Need an excellent case study analysis report written on Starbucks's customer loyalty program, the program's impact on the underlying business and brand building, how it can be used to drive the growth of the business, and at least 12 strategic recommendations on how to improve the program (documents attached).

The Starbucks Case Study Report will require the identification of managerial and operational problems or opportunities within the company and marketplace/industry and devise a plan to solve the problem or exploit the opportunity. The analyses should be 35 pages of analysis- and additional exhibits and supporting arguments/points as needed. Please write in font 12 and use 1 spacing. It must have correct grammar, spelling, and arguments/points must be clear and NOT redundant. 1) The first section is 3 pages of the report and must outline and proposed strategic approach/approaches in reference to the loyalty program. This section must be clearly identified. It must describe the company, the loyal program, the problem/problems, opportunity/opportunities, and relevant information about the industry, company financials, customers, organization, and importance of the this topic to the company''s business along with supporting financial data. This must be well-research and have cited references.

It can not be off-the-cuff. 2) The second section is 10 pages and must present a strategic plan.

This plan must include:

- objectives expected outcomes and deliverables with proposed timelines of how solutions, frameworks, and company/organizational buy-in would be achieved,

- preliminary framework and table of contents, - background, justification, and insight on methodology to be used,

- a detailed description of how changes to the loyalty program can be expected to add and create value to Starbucks,

- a detailed description of business, marketing, management, human resources, accounting, and financial concepts and theories that will be used in the report and their application to proposed solutions to the loyalty program, and

- a detailed explanation of the depth and breadth of the proposed changes and the impact they could have on the business/company and what would be required by the company to implement them. Care should be taken to ensure that the proposed changes are reasonable and balanced within standing business practices and norms.

3) The third section is 12 pages and must present the use of, and compare and contrast the following analytical tools:

-- SWOT analysis,

-- PESTLE analysis,

-- Porter''s 5 Forces analysis,

-- Blue Ocean analysis. Please note, do not spend time explaining or defining these tools. Just detail their use/application, highlight all the relevant findings in the context to which they apply, and how the findings were used to inform the strategic plan and proposed implementation.

4) The fourth section is 5 pages and is to be the executive summary. It is to be a summary of the key facts of all the analyses, conclusions you draw from them, and a listing of all the recommendations.

The Executive Summary must have a "hook" that is used to pique enough interest to convince the company that it is worth reading the entire document. It can not be simply an introduction to the report.

5) The fifth and final section is 5 pages must include all exhibits, data, graphics references with citations, and closing arguments/points. Finally, please be sure to cite the documents included in the submission along with additional references to be used.

Attachment:- Loyalty Program.rar

Verified Expert

Starbucks loyalty programs have been analyzed through multiple angles in this business report. There are a number sections that helped to evaluate the usefulness of their reward programs with respect to SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, blue ocean strategy and others. All these have helped to understand concerns about their strategic approaches and how it needs to be re-structured for future. At the same time, the report helped to carry out analysis about weak areas like that of "increase in coffee beans" and other factors.

Reference no: EM133041883

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