Standards of living of the residents

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133256142

The government of a small island country is concerned about a few things and has hired you as an economic consultant to do some economic analysis for 2020. First, the government is worried that the inflation rate in the country is too high. This could reduce the purchasing power and the standards of living of the residents. Second, it suspects that the residents are importing too much goods and services from foreign countries. This could result in unemployment in the island. Third, and finally, it fears that the entrepreneurs are making too much profit and this could lead to unrest in the country. 

The government has been able to calculate the following statistics (converted to dollars), which you will use to carry out your assignment. All the data pertain to 2020. All the numbers except for real GDP are in nominal terms. The base year in this country for the calculation of real GDP is 2019.

GDP Information:

Nominal GDP = $106,000,000

Real GDP = $100,000,000


Consumption = $90,100,000

Investment = $12,000,000

Government Purchases = $6,000,000

Exports = $4,000,000

Factor Incomes:

Wages = $65,000,000

Interest = $20,000,000

Rent = $5,000,000

You calculate that in 2020:

Inflation rate over 2019 =  ____ percent

Imports =  ___ dollars

Profits = _____  dollars

Reference no: EM133256142

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