Reference no: EM131343950
Standards and Tests for Criminal Responsibility.
Criminal responsibility (insanity) assessments play a significant role in forensic psychological assessment, and information about them is directly relevant to the psycholegal assessment questions on the comprehensive exam.
Using resources from the professional literature, research legal standards and assessment tools used with the criminally insane population. The literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu and .gov).
In a minimum of 300 words, address the following:
· Identify and discuss at least two legal standards for insanity in a criminal defendant.
· Explain why such legal standards are important for our judicial system. What information may assist in understanding the defendant's capacity to control his or her behavior at the time of the offense?
· Describe at least one type of assessment instrument for criminal responsibility. What is the research support for utilization of these instruments?
· What is the difference between a legal standard for insanity and a psychological assessment instrument?
Submission Details:
By Thursday, December 1, 2016, post your responses to this Discussion Plagiarism Free, Turned-In on time, Initial posting reveals a solid understanding of all given questions. A clear synthesis of theories and concepts is evident in the logical, factual, and relevant information 16 Points
Demonstrate comprehensive analysis of post; extend meaningful discussions by building on post and offer points of view, upported by research or relevant personal experience. 12 Points
Apply more than one resource to initial response. Properly cite (i.e., APA) course materials and outside scholarly readings in initial posting; citations as needed. 4 Points
No spelling, structure, or grammatical errors in any posting. Contribute to discussion with clear, concise comments in an organized manner. 4 Points
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