Reference no: EM131251506
Write a procedural email message to employees reminding them of standard operating procedures or organizational changes that take the form of step-by-step instructions. Be creative, or use an issue applicable to your work environment. (Example can be found on page 76, Figure 5.1, of the course text.)
The message should take the form of an email; however, you will submit your assignment to the online course shell.
The procedural message must adhere to the following requirements:
Introduce the main idea of the message in a concise, informative manner.
Itemize three to five (3-5) key points with detail.
Provide information about where and to whom questions should be directed.
Use a descriptive subject line or heading.
Use bullets to separate ideas and simplify reading.
Include an appropriate and professional greeting / salutation.
Use email form including: To:, From:, Subject:, and Signature.
Clarity / Mechanics:
Ensure that there are no grammar or spelling errors.
Ensure that there are no clarity, writing, and mechanical errors.
Find the amount of penalty
: Alex was late on his property tax payment to the county. He owed $6,474 and paid the tax 6 months late. The county charges a penalty of 10% simple interest. Find the amount of penalty.
Explain reasoning without explicitly solving the game
: Under what conditions on c and t will (H, H) be played in a subgame perfect equilibrium of this game? - Do you think (H, H) can be supported in the negotiation equilibrium of this game? Explain your reasoning without explicitly solving this game.
How are expectations and requirements communicated
: What and how are expectations and requirements communicated? When expectations or key deadlines are missed, what happens? What factors contribute to the problem (politics, structure, decision-making factors, etc.)?
Determine the alias relationships in the combined design
: Suppose that the partial fold over of this design is constructed using column A ( + signs only). Determine the alias relationships in the combined design.
Standard operating procedures
: Write a procedural email message to employees reminding them of standard operating procedures or organizational changes that take the form of step-by-step instructions
In what section of the newspaper does it appear
: What is the title of the article? In what section of the newspaper does it appear? What firms are discussed in the article?
How each of your three choices impacts the role of manager
: Prepare a 500-word summary choosing 3 topics out of the list below for discussion. Explain how each of your 3 choices impacts the role of manager in the workplace.
Discuss narrators point of view used in a rose for emily
: Discuss the narrator's point of view used in A Rose for Emily - How did the treatment of Emily by her father affect the adult she became?
Develop at least three goals for your training
: While more than one delivery method often works for a training project, pick the training method that is best suited to the tasks, objectives, and learners. Detail why you selected this delivery method.