Standard of the overall research effort

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Reference no: EM13802426

The semester paper aims to have students apply theory to various aspects of policy debates of an Asian economy and the international economic system in which it operates. The work must include a review of the theoretical and empirical literature and the presentation of empirical results based on library research. The emphasis is on analysis of the issues not simply description of events. This is also a formative assessment process in that feedback to students will inform them of their learning progress as they approach the final examination assessment item.

Criteria & Marking:

The standard of the overall research effort, including its quality and depth, with a range of suitable sources of different types required, such as books, journals, and Internet.

Notes and bibliography - including whether the paper is well referenced, and if all cited sources appear in the bibliography.

Inclusion of a review of the theoretical and empirical literature linked to the topic and the quality of that review.

The clarity of the arguments, strength of analysis, and the degree of use and integration of the sources, including the presentation of relevant empirical results based on library research. The required emphasis is on analysis of the issues not simply description of events.
The standard of presentation including a required length of no more than 2000 words.

Reference no: EM13802426

Questions Cloud

Discipline and management-different yet related : Write an essay of 500-750 words in which you address the following components: Compare discipline and management along with behavior and misbehavior.
How the management practices of planning : Explain how the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented in your workplace. If you are not currently working, you may use a previous employer.
Develop a strategic business plan for a new venture : You are an administrative officer at the corporate level of an offshore organization and, you are assigned to develop a strategic business plan for a new venture in a sector of your choice.
Discuss the importance of work packages : Discuss the importance of work packages to support the creation and use of the WBS. Examine how to establish a cost and schedule performance measurement baseline.
Standard of the overall research effort : The standard of the overall research effort, including its quality and depth, with a range of suitable sources of different types required, such as books, journals, and Internet.
Assignment on the project schedule changes : You have kicked off the District 4 Production Warehouse Move project, your contractors are in place and working on receiving the proper building permits.
Victim of stereotypes : Have you been the victim of any stereotypes? What negative effects do stereotypes have on intercultural communication?
Write down the mathematical model as an lp : Write down the mathematical model as an LP, Solve the problem using MS Excel Solver (submit only hard copies of the model and the solution sheet), Solve the problem with AMPL (submit hardcopies of the model, data and output files). You should use co..
Conducting an environmental analysis : For all assignments assume that you are the administrator of a fictitious organization of your choice.  The organization can be any type of health care organization such as a hospital, nursing home, rehabilitation center, clinic, etc.


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