Reference no: EM131440149
1. The Ford Pinto met federal safety standards, yet it had a design fl aw that resulted in serious injuries and deaths. Is simply meeting safety standards a suffi cient product design goal of ethical companies?
2. Gioia uses the notion of script schemas to help explain why he voted to not initiate a recall of the Ford Pinto. In your opinion, is this a justifi able explanation?
3. How can or gan i za tion al context infl uence the decisions made by or gan i za-tion al members?
4. If you had been in Gioia's position, what would you have done? Why?5. Describe the four key decision- making lessons that Gioia identifi es for neophyte decision makers. Discuss how you expect or intend to use these four lessons in your own career.
APA (American Psychological Assoc.)
Weiss, J. W. (2014). Business Ethics : A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
MLA (Modern Language Assoc.)
Weiss, Joseph W. Business Ethics : A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach. vol. Sixth edition, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2014. A BK Business Book. EBSCOhost.
Compare and contrast the traditional model
: Compare and contrast the traditional model and human service model of employee supervision - What are the seven ways that poor supervision can lead to employee complaints of unlawful supervision (EEO complaints)?
Central warehouse for supplying field service offices
: Southeastern Bell stocks a certain switch connector at its central warehouse for supplying field service offices. The yearly demand for these connectors 15,000 units. Southeastern estimates its annual holding cost for this item to be ?$ 22 per unit. ..
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Design a specific marketing program to individual consumer
: Write a description, individually, based on your Week Four Learning Team Collaborative discussion on what data you will gather from consumers that download your app in order to design a specific marketing program to each individual consumer and w..
Stakeholder and issues management approach
: 1. The Ford Pinto met federal safety standards, yet it had a design fl aw that resulted in serious injuries and deaths. Is simply meeting safety standards a suffi cient product design goal of ethical companies?
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: Describe the product or service including brand/logo and packaging. In addition, use the following link, and visit the globalEdge website and describe how you would determine the prices to export your product.
Describe your friends company and the product or service
: Suppose you have a friend that either owns or works for a small business. They really don't want to spend the time or money designing and building their own website. He or she has narrowed the selection down to four of the following websites and ..
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: The Children's Theater Company is a nonprofit corporation managed by Shannon Board. The theater performs in two venues: Kristin Marie Hall and the Lauren Elizabeth Theater.
Ethics-a personal perspective
: In your first Learning Activity for week 1 you discussed some things that come to mind when you think of the word "ethics". Over the course of the past 8 weeks, has your view or conception of ethics changed in any way?