Reference no: EM132808497
1. Know the steps to prepare a smear of bacteria for microscopic examination.
2. Explain the purpose of staining bacterial cells. Explain purpose of heat fixing a smear.
3. Identify the general characteristics, and morphologies of microbes that can be visualized by staining.
4. Learn how to correctly prepare and simple stain a bacterial smear from a liquid culture, and from a colony
5. Explain the differences between simple staining, and differential and structural stains.
6. Describe how the Gram stain works and summarize the differences in cell wall structure of gram positive and gram-negative cells. List the Gram stain reagents, steps, and purpose of each. Recognize some common mistakes that can affect a Gram stain.
7. Describe the purpose, reagents, and procedure of the acid-fast stain. Know the genus of medically important acid-fast organisms. Recognize some common mistakes that can affect an Acid-Fast Stain
8. Describe endospores and the differences between endospore and vegetative cells. Name bacteria genera that are endospore formers.
9. Describe the purpose, reagents, and procedure of the endospore stain. Recognize some common mistakes that can affect an endospore stain.
10. Describe the structure and function of bacterial capsules. Describe a negative staining technique.Describe the purpose, reagents, and procedure of the capsule stain. Recognize some common mistakes that can affect a capsule stain.
Attachment:- Lab Report-Staining.rar