Stages of the product life cycle

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133238576

Part 1-web search for dead brands or product fads.

You can use the article Blast From the Past: Vintage Technologies That We No Longer Use for inspiration.

Explain how this dead brand or product went through the four stages of the product life cycle (PLC). Introduction, growth, maturity, and decline-every product has a life cycle story waiting to be told.

Identify what key events marked the start and end of each stage. (e.g., Was it competitors' innovation? A new technology? etc.)

Discuss product, price, place, and promotion strategy for each phase of the life cycle you find. You will see these four Ps will differ when the product shifts to another life cycle. Include your analysis of these differences.

Part 2- Pick a service brand. You can use your current favorite service brand.

Explain how services differ from goods.

Discuss the four Ps for your service (i.e., product, place, price, and promotion).

Discuss whether services go through a life cycle.

Reference no: EM133238576

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