Stages of selye general adaptation syndrome

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Reference no: EM133548881


1. Fola has to decide between building a promising career and having a much-desired child; two things she wants very much. What type of conflict is she facing?

A. approach-approach

B. avoidance-avoidance

C. approach-avoidance

D. none of the above

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the three stages of Selye's general adaptation syndrome?

A. exhaustion

B. resistance

C. response

D. alarm

3. Omar has just been notified that flood waters will enter his house in several hours. He is emotionally aroused and the defensive forces of his body are prepared for flight or fight. Which stage of the general adaptation syndrome is he in?

A. exhaustion

B. resistance

C. response

D. alarm

4. A person whose control, commitment and challenge enable them to handle stressful situations would be considered to possess

A. a high degree of psychological hardiness

B. an external locus of control

C. type A behaviour pattern

D. a high degree of social support

5. According to psychologists, which of the following would cause the average person the most stress?

A. moving to a new city

B. getting married

C. being stuck in traffic everyday

D. surviving an earthquake

6. Omarrah is afraid of not passing her final exam. To cope with the stress, she has worked out a study timetable, arranged a quiet study area and is making sure she has all the class notes. What type of coping is she using?

A. time focused

B. emotion focused

C. problem focused

D. course focused

7. According to Lazarus' Cognitive theory of stress, during secondary appraisal we

A. determine whether an event involves loss or threat

B. determine whether an event is positive or negative

C. determine whether an event causes a physiological response

D. evaluate our coping resources

8. According to Lazarus' Cognitive theory of stress, it is not the stressor that causes stress but

A. the way the information is processed

B. the memory of the previous encounter with the stressor

C. the body's reaction

D. the person's perception to the stressor

9. Which of the following is NOT a personal factor in reducing the impact of stress?

A. optimism

B. social support

C. uplifts

D. sense of humour

10. Schizophrenia tends to run in families therefore supporting the idea that there is a genetic factor in the causes of schizophrenia.

A. True

B. False

11. Morgan has an intense fear of being overweight. Although she talks a lot about food, she hardly eats. She also sees herself as "fat" despite her doctor telling her she is 20% underweight for her height, age and bone structure. Morgan also excessively exercises. What condition does Morgan likely have?

A. bulimia nervosa

B. binge-eating bulimia

C. aneroxia

D. binge-purging diet

12. Amanda loses control when she eats and consumes great quantities of food but does not engage in any attempts to compensate for her food excess; she doesn't diet, and does not purge. She is obese and feels distress over her eating habits. What condition does Amanda appear to have?

A. anorexia

B. bulimia

C. over-eating

D. binge-purging disorder

13. Casey doesn't believe she has an eating disorder but her friends and family are concerned. Casey is always weighing herself. She exercises several hours every day. She talks of food and weight all day long. She is of normal weight, even though she has a huge appetite and consumes large amounts of food in one meal; however, after a huge meal and when she feels full, she will use an excessive number of laxatives. What could Casey possibly be diagnosed with?

A. bulimia

B. anorexia

C. binge-eating

D. none of the above, she definitely does not have an eating disorder

14. Which of the following is a possible medical complication of anorexia?

A. osteoporosis

B. increased heart rate

C. amenorrhea - loss of menstrual period

D. all of the above

15. You go to visit a friend and halfway thought the conversation they state that they "don't feel like themselves". They report not to have taken any drugs. This person states that they feel like a "robot" and watch themselves from outside their body. Sometimes they feel like they are in a dream or operating on "automatic pilot". They feel like they are going "crazy" and don't know what to do. Which of the following Dissociative disorders could this person be suffering from?

A. dissociative amnesia

B. dissociative fugue

C. dissociative identity disorder

D. depersonalization/derealization

16. You are volunteering at a school working with young children. Peter a boy of about 6 years old hurt his head when he banged it against the swing set. When treating Peter, you notice that he is unresponsive to most stimuli. He is not smiling, not talking or making eye contact with you or others. Peter may likely have _______.

A. childhood schizophrenia

B. intellectual disability

C. autism spectrum disorder


17. Louis is six years old. His behaviour is characterized by inattention, bullying, temper tantrums, stubbornness, and fidgeting. He is easily distracted, fails to finish anything he starts, often acts impulsively, and requires constant supervision. He is constantly on the go, running and climbing on things, and he cannot wait his turn in games or lines. He is suffering from ________ disorder.

A. dyslexia

B. autism spectrum

C. attention deficit/hyperactivity

D. conduct

Reference no: EM133548881

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