Reference no: EM132936085
Meet with your group members and each one of you take on one of the following roles in the meeting:
1) President of the Company
2) Front line worker
3) Head of HR
4) Head of the Union
5) Supervisor
6) VP of Information Technology
You are going to have a meeting to discuss whether or not the employees will be able to work from home, and if so what that is going to look like. Your meeting should last at least 1 hour. Record your meeting in zoom and submit a link to the meeting through the assignment portal.
After meeting complete a reflection paper about the group process of the meeting. The reflection paper should be 2 pages (typed, 12 point font, double spaced).
For the reflection paper, your task is to reflect upon how the group performed in the meeting.
Your journal should be a self-reflective report of your own learning. It is important that you apply the correct terminology covered in your reflection.
Below are some questions, which might assist you in writing your journal assignment. However, it is by no means mandatory that you answer these questions in your assignment. It is important that you make a link between your reflections and theory learned in class. DO NOT simply just submit answers to these questions.
- What stages of group development did your group go through?
- Was your group a cohesive group, explain why or why not.
- Was there any social loafing occurring during the group meeting?
- Was this an effective group?
- Which, if any of the team task roles did you take on?