Stage of human development

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Reference no: EM133202506

1.) Part 1. Main Entry:  Post a brief analysis of what you have learned from this week's readings and activities.  Start a new thread, and place the header -- Name's Main Entry (e.g., Jayda's Main Entry) at the top.  Within the body of your post, clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

a.  This week's great takeaway:  What concept or theory did you find most interesting this week?  Why?

b. Stages of Life:  What stage of human development are you in currently and what are your main challenges/activities?

c.  The best age:  What would you consider the best time of life? Why?

d.  Working with others:  If you were to choose an age group to work with, which one would it be and why? Are there any age groups you would not want to work with? Why not?

Part 2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your thoughts to the main entry questions, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates' entries.  In 3 or more sentences, provide constructive feedback.  Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic?  Share them.  When providing your feedback present the logic behind it.

2.) Part 1. Main Entry:  Post a brief analysis of what you have learned from this week's readings and activities.  Start a new thread, and place the header -- Name's Main Entry (e.g., Kayla' s Main Entry) at the top.  Within the body of your post, clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

a.  This week's great takeaway:  What topic did you find most interesting this week?  Why?

b.  Choose one of the following topics:

1. Scientific Discoveries:  Using our UMGC Library, find a peer-reviewed article on genetic testing or environmental risks before birth.  Once found, provide a brief summary of what you learned from the article.  For example, does the article support, refute, or expand upon the discussion within the assigned readings?  Include in your summary how your selected article contributes to our understanding of prenatal development.

Below your summary provide the reference for the article and the functioning Permalink to the article so others can access it.

2.  Important Finds:  Using our UMGC Library, find a peer-reviewed article on the topic of breastfeeding or infant nutrition.  Once found, provide a brief summary of what you learned from the article.  For example, does the article support, refute, or expand upon the discussion within the assigned readings?  Include in your summary how this article contributes to our understanding of the developmental period, infancy. 

Below your summary provide the reference for the article and the functioning Permalink to the article so others can read the article you have selected.

Part 2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your thoughts to the main entry questions, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates' entries.  In 3 or more sentences, provide constructive feedback.  Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic?  Share them.  When providing your feedback present the logic behind it.

3.) Part 1. Main Entry:  Post a brief analysis of what you have learned from this week's readings and activities.  Start a new thread, and place the header -- Name's Main Entry (e.g., Jayda's Main Entry) at the top.  Within the body of your post, clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

a.  This week's great takeaway:  What concept or theory did you find most interesting this week?  Why?

b.  Choose one of the following topics:

1)  Illustrate animism, egocentrism, and centration using children's games or media. Find one example of each and explain how it reflects these concepts.

2)  Prepare four recommendations to avoid health risks in school-aged children. Consider what you have learned about nutrition and physical activity. Incorporate the problems you know about with respect to this age group when preparing your recommendations.

3)  Examine nutritional content in popular foods consumed by children in early childhood. Choose two popular food products targeted toward this age group to analyze.  Present a summary of your findings and detail the pros and cons you identify are related to early childhood nutrition. 

Part 2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your thoughts to the main entry questions, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates' entries.  In 3 or more sentences, provide constructive feedback.  Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic?  Share them.  When providing your feedback present the logic behind it.

4.) Part 1. Main Entry:  Post a brief analysis of what you have learned from this week's readings and activities.  Start a new thread, and place the header -- Name's Main Entry (e.g., Rick's Main Entry) at the top.  Within the body of your post, clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

a.  This week's great takeaway:  What concept or theory did you find most interesting this week?  Why?

b.  Diagnostic labels:  As you read the chapters on childhood, you may notice that the process of diagnosing and labeling children is changing.  Both labels of autism and fetal alcohol syndrome have now been replaced with "autism spectrum disorders" and "fetal alcohol spectrum disorders", respectively.

1) What thoughts to you have on why these changes have occurred?

2) What impact does labeling a child with a diagnosis have on that child? What are the advantages, disadvantages, and consequences?  Support this element of your discussion by posting an article, blog page, video, or other informational resource. 

Part 2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your thoughts to the main entry questions, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates' entries.  In 3 or more sentences, provide constructive feedback.  Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic?  Share them.  When providing your feedback present the logic behind it.

5.) Part 1. Main Entry:  Post a brief analysis of what you have learned from this week's readings and activities.  Start a new thread, and place the header -- Name's Main Entry (e.g., Makonnan's Main Entry) at the top.  Within the body of your post, clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

  1. This week's great takeaway:  What concept or theory did you find most interesting this week?  Why?
  2. Sharing of thoughts:  Respond to one of the following topics...

1. How do cultural ideals and timing of puberty affect an adolescent's body image?  How is this topic addressed within the developmental literature?  Do research findings have practical impact?  Why or why not?

2.  Discuss social problems facing youth such as suicide, juvenile delinquency, and victimization. What kinds of recommendations would you make to help reduce these problems?  What empirical research supports one of your recommendations?  '

Part 2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your thoughts to the main entry questions, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates' entries.  In 3 or more sentences, provide constructive feedback.  Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic?  Share them.  When providing your feedback present the logic behind it.

6.) 1.  Main Entry:  You have been given the liberty to explore a topic/concept that caught your attention or had personal relevance.  Your goal is to find one decent website that is related the topic that interested you while reading Module 8.  The web site can be an alternative/or confirming explanation to what the module offers, or it can share research, or an interesting story on the topic.  Feel free to be scientific or creative in your search.  For example, one of you might want to explore how our understanding of the self in early adulthood is impacted by disease or is related to life functions.  Once again, be curious!  My anticipation is that we will come to realize as a result of these searches that our understanding of the concepts presented this week are more important in our daily lives than we give credit. 

Post here as a response the web site address, and a brief summary (8 or more sentences) of what your web site is about (research, debate, story) etc.  When you make your posting please enter your topic in the title bar of the edit screen (e.g., change "RE: Weekly Discussion?"  to "Parenting."  This will help your classmates quickly identify the topics covered.

2.   Peer responses:  Read two (2) of your classmate's entries (maybe on a topic you need more information on) and go to the web site they have suggested.  After reviewing the web site and its information, post as a response to their topic entry a critique (3 or more sentences) of the web site.  Was it interesting or did it help you understand that particular concept?  Also, feel free to share any additional views or relevant stories you have on the topic.

7.) Part 1. Main Entry:  Post a brief analysis of what you have learned from this week's readings and activities.  Start a new thread, and place the header -- Name's Main Entry (e.g., Liam's Main Entry) at the top.  Within the body of your post, clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

a.  This week's great takeaway:  What concept or theory did you find most interesting this week?  Why?

b. Choose one of the following options:

1. Marriage Types: In this week's readings (Typology of Marriage) Olson and Fowers (1993) break marriages into five types:  vitalized, harmonious, traditional, conflicted, and devitalized.  Find examples in the media (articles, blogs, stories, articles, images, etc.) that represent three of the types. Once you have selected your three examples, post them here, accompanied by an explanation of why you selected each as representative of the associated marriage type.

Before you begin, you may find reading Olson and Fower's (19913) article (shared in our Week 7 Learning Resources).  The methodology applied is interesting.  Figure 1 in the article (page 8 of the attached PDF) provides a distinctive visual contrasting characteristic across the five types.   

2. Persuasive Information: Create a one-page brochure, or a brief one to two-minute infomercial, for people in midlife or late adulthood, targeting the enhancement optimal aging. As you begin your design, think about what facts and resources you identify as most important.  How can you best convey those details?  When your product is ready, post it to this discussion, accompanied by a brief statement of what inspired your design approach.

2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your self-selected topic and article, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates' entries who researched a topic different from yours.  In 3 or more sentences, provide constructive feedback.  What did you learn from their poste? Do you have additional thoughts on the topic to share?  What questions do you have?  When providing your feedback present the logic behind it.

8.) Part 1:  Giving to others:  You are the president of a non-profit organization committed to supporting unique needs within the community.  This week you are training others to work with people who are terminally ill or in grief. Advise your group about how to work most effectively with those populations. 

Part 2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your main entry, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates' entries.  In 3 or more sentences, provide constructive feedback.  What thoughts did their strategy bring forth?  What questions do you have?  Share them.  When providing your feedback present the logic behind it.

Reference no: EM133202506

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