Reference no: EM131639630
Part 1: Evaluation Plan with Rubrics
To start the evaluation project you will create a excluding the title page, references, and appendices and two analytic rubrics, one for the psychomotor skills assessment and one portfolio for the new hire graduate nurses.
Consider the given scenario: You are a hospital-based director of staff education working with a new group of graduate nurses. In Part 1 of the
Evaluation Project, you will choose the psychomotor skills that you want to assess for these new graduate nurses and you will develop an evaluation plan and an analytic rubric specific to those chosen skills.
For the assessment evaluation plan, begin by defining the objectives for this test. Then state the parameters against which learners will be evaluated and the weightings that each of these grading criteria will carry. In the body of the paper define the psychomotor skills that you want your learners to possess in order to complete the test successfully. In the Appendix of your paper, develop an analytic rubric for the testing purpose (use only one number/parameter [not a range of numbers] in your analytic rubric to keep it objective).
In addition, the chief nursing officer (CNO) of your organization has called you to discuss the upcoming reaccreditation survey. The CNO has informed you that for this accreditation cycle, the method for evaluating nursing competency for these new graduates will be portfolios. Your job is to develop an analytic rubric that will be distributed to the nursing graduates and describes how portfolios for new employees will be evaluated. In the Appendix of your paper develop an analytic rubric for the portfolio (use only one number/parameter [not a range of numbers] in your analytic rubric for the portfolio to keep it objective).
As you create your paper, be sure that you follow APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation