Stack or queue that holds integers and performs operations

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132263609

Assignment -

In this assignment you will use a stack or queue (your choice) that holds integers and performs operations.


The user will enter their name, be welcomed, and given the 6 options below.

  • ?: Print the stack/queue. If it is empty, just say so.
  • ^: Peek the top of the stack/front of the queue.
  • ∼: Push to the stack/queue.
  • O: Pop off the top two elements of the stack/front two elements of the queue, and using those two elements perform whatever operation the user gives (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or modulus) and take the result and push it to the stack/queue.

The operations will be its operators to save you time

  • L: returns the length of the stack/queue.
  • E: Exit the program.

These options should be displayed until the user chooses to exit the program.

For the letters options, capital and lowercase inputs should be valid.

If the user inputs an invalid option, your program should inform the user of this, but not exit the program.

You can only get a maximum of 22 points on this since some outputs are specific to whether or not you decided to make a stack or queue.

Reference no: EM132263609

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3/22/2019 4:14:47 AM

The language is C++. Please be in the lab you are registered for because your partner is in your registered lab. You will work with your partner during this lab period to construct an algorithm and start coding, and turn in what you have on blackboard by the end of class. You will then work on the rest of the code on your own and turn in the completed program on blackboard this Friday.

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