Stack evaluating the postfix expression

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13192112

 A stack Evaluating the postfix expression ‎ (Using Linked list Implementation)

This step will use the queue (PostQueue) that was the result of the infix to postfix conversion, and a stack. The algorithm proceeds as follows:

1. Make an empty stack (Using Linked list Implementation)

2. Scan the postfix expression (PostQueue) one item at a time:

- If it is an operand, push onto the stack.
- If it is an operator,
- pop two numbers from the stack,
- apply the operator, and
- push the result back onto the stack.
- If the stack does not have enough operands, the expression is invalid.
- At the end of input, check the stack. If it has just one item, that is the answer. Else, the expression is invalid.

Consider Postfix the expression 2 3 4 + 9 * 1 - +

43_Stack Evaluating the postfix expression.png

Input file:

The input file will contain several lines of equations in infix format. Each line can use several of the available mathematical: addition [+], subtraction [-], multiplication [*],division [/], parentheses and

Output file:

For each calculation, print the following to the output file

- The postfix notation (the result from Part1 )

- The result of the calculation (the result from Part2 )

1307_Stack Evaluating the postfix expression1.png

Reference no: EM13192112

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