SSC 212G - Introduction to Canadian Pop Culture Assignment

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Reference no: EM132799454

SSC 212G - Introduction to Canadian Pop Culture Assignment - St. Clair College, Canada

Canadian Popular Culture - Mass Media Assignment

The focus of this assignment is to: Consider the Source.

Research shows that an alarming amount of Canadians get their news by reading headlines on social media platforms. And they never look beyond that one posted sentence, never consider where it came from or never read the actual article. They just automatically believe it to be true.

This is dangerous. Especially at a time when some of our news sources are admittedly politically-driven and one-sided. In addition, there are a number of headlines that are completely false and made up and shared by millions on social media, in our 'fake news' era.

Your job is to analyze coverage of the same current news event (from the last two years) from two different media sources. By 'different,' I mean different in format.

This could be:

- Different literal formats: printed news article vs. video news coverage or magazine coverage vs. video news segment


 - Different in political or contextual approach: CNN coverage vs Fox News coverage.

In your submitted assignment, please format it as listed below.

In your introductory paragraph, begin by very briefly summarizing the news event and identifying the two media sources that you analyzed.

In your second paragraph, summarize and describe the coverage by one of your media sources. Consider what was included (interviews, images used, different perspectives), the main focus (personal accounts, political or national implications, calls to action) and the length of the coverage (in-depth/long or short/brief).

In your third paragraph, you will summarize and describe your second media source, just like you did in your second paragraph.

In the last paragraph(s) of your paper, compare and contrast the coverage by your two different sources. This is the part that is weighted heaviest, and where I expect you to use critical thought. Consider any of the following in your analysis....

Is the truth/facts evident in both sources?

Did the sources have contrasting messages?

How prevalent is any political or personal bias in either source? Is this achieved through what was focused on?

Is the unique way that the event was covered intended to illicit an emotional reaction from the viewer?

Were important facts excluded from either source?

How does the everyday viewer determine bias, if they only get their news from one source?

Attachment:- Canadian Popular Culture - Mass Media Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132799454

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