Sql query to retrieve data

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1345684

Q1) Write SQL query to retrieve data from COURSE table for courses to cost 1195, and whose descriptions do not start with 'Intro', sorted by their prerequisites in descending order.

Reference no: EM1345684

Questions Cloud

Illustrate what is the relation between marginal benefit : Illustrate what is the relation between marginal benefit and marginal cost at this level of the control variable.
Explain and discuss loan factors : An effectively organized loan application decrease the time spent waiting for a response to a loan request. According to John Nelson III, SCORE counselor in Rhode Island & vice president of a major United State bank,
Explain strategies that could be used by a project manager : Project Management - Organizational Culture and Human Behavioral Influences - Explain some strategies that could be used by a project manager
Illustrate what the reason which individuals households : Illustrate what the reason which individuals households at some time in their lives spend more than they earn and at other times save some of what they earn.
Sql query to retrieve data : Write SQL query to retrieve data from COURSE table for courses.
Explain business plan to gain attention of the loan : What components would you include in business plan to gain attention of loan officer at a commercial lending financial institution?
Show the project management - risk management : Explain what steps can you take to determine the risks of your projects and what do you do about these risks?
What is the average net force on the car : A cue ball hits a stationary eight ball on a pool table. For which of the following systems is there a change in momentum during the collision? define why.
Distinguishing web pages or web servers for task : Distinguish between any Web pages or Web servers you would use for this task.


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