Sql express entertainment agency database

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131097558


This is in Sql Express Entertainment Agency Database.

1. Apply a 2 percent discount to all engagements for customer who booked more than $3000 worth of business in the month of October 2012.

Hint: use an aggregate subquery to find those customers with engagements in October HAVING total bookings great than $3000.

2. Add 0.5 percent tot he commission rate of agents who have sold more than $20,000 in engagements.

Hint: Use an aggregate subquery to find those agents HAVING total bookings greater than $20,000)

Sql Express Bowling League Database.

1. Calculate the current average and handicap for each bowler.

Hint: This is a "friendly" league, so the handicap is 90 percent of 200 minus the raw average. Be sure to round the raw average and covert it to an integer before subtracting it from 200, and then round the truncate the final result. Although the SQL Standard doesn't define a ROUND function, most commercial database systems provide one.

Reference no: EM131097558

Questions Cloud

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Sql express entertainment agency database : 1. Apply a 2 percent discount to all engagements for customer who booked more than $3000 worth of business in the month of October 2012.
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