Speech experts

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13132673


"Speech Experts" Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, describe two tips for effective speaking (not already described by another classmate) that you found on the Toastmasters International Website and how you would incorporate these tips into your next speech.


"Delivery" Please respond to the following:

-Of the different types of speech delivery, identify the type(s) with which you would feel most comfortable and explain why.

-Identify and explain which type of speech delivery with which you would feel most uncomfortable. Describe one (1) method to become more comfortable with this type of speech.

Reference no: EM13132673

Questions Cloud

Why does a stockholder prefer a high-volatility project : Why does a stockholder prefer a high-volatility project? Even though is will maximize the expected value of the company's equity, and therefore increase the value of the stockholder's shares, won't there also be a greater risk of loss on a project..
Determining cesaro summable : Prove that if a series of complex numbers sum (c_n) converges to s, then sum (c_n) is Cesaro summable to s.
Determining the level of sales : At what level of sales (in units) for the two-month period should Birch Company be indifferent between closing the plant or keeping it open? Show computations.
Discuss challenges in writing cover letters and resumes : Describe two or three of your biggest challenges in writing cover letters and resumes
Speech experts : From the e-Activity, describe two tips for effective speaking (not already described by another classmate) that you found on the Toastmasters International Website and how you would incorporate these tips into your next speech.
Riemann-lebesgue lemma : Recall that S_N (f)(x)= sum (n=-N to N) c_n e^{inx}= 1/2pi integral (from -pi to pi) f(x-t)sin ((N+1/2)t)/sin(t/2) dt
Find standard deviation of the weights that are equal : If no more than 5% of the containers are to weigh less than 15.80 oz., what must the standard deviation of the weights equal?
Mining and metallurgy - assignment metallurgy : Extract ore descriptors or features from the variables and design a model that can classify the ores correctly from images of the ore
Amount reported as retained earnings : What amount should Gunkel report as retained earnings as of March 1, 2011?


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