Specify the hypotheses to justify the suggestion

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131739971

A recent study from the University of California, Berkeley suggests that, compared to white Americans, black Americans are more likely to cross the race barrier in online dating. In a sample of 120 white men, 24 initiated contact with someone outside their race, whereas in a similar sample of 90 black men, 36 initiated contact with someone outside their race.

a. Specify the hypotheses to justify the suggestion.

b. Find the critical value(s) of the appropriate test at the 1% significance level.

c. Calculate the value of the test statistic.

d. Make a conclusion at the 1% significance level.

Reference no: EM131739971

Questions Cloud

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What the benefits and risks of e-commerce for your company : Research the dispute process and the requirements for the country you selected in Module 1. What are the benefits and risks of e-commerce for your company
Specify the hypotheses to justify the suggestion : a. Specify the hypotheses to justify the suggestion. b. Find the critical value(s) of the appropriate test at the 1% significance level.
Calculate the value of the test statistic : Let Mue1 and Mue2 represent the average amount of nitrogen per batch for fertilizer's A and B, respectively.
Prepare three new contribution margin income statements : Prepare three new contribution margin income statements to reflect the three proposals (assuming there is no effect on sales)
Discuss how the setting developed in the healthcare system : Discuss how the setting developed in the healthcare system. Review the literature regarding the current trends associated with the setting.
Find the p-value of the test : using the proper formula as 34.7. How many degrees of freedom should the student assume to find the p-value of the test?


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